[quote=@LancerOfBlue] [@Ammokkx] [hider=Deck List] Monsters (15) [list] [*]Jack's Knight x2 [*]King's Knight x2 [*]Queen's Knight x2 [*]Commander Knight x2 [*]Marauding Captain x2 [*]Divine Knight Ishzakr x1 [*]Field-Commander Rahz x1 [*]Freed the Matchless General x1 [*]Breaker the Magical Knight x1 [*]Exiled Forces x1 [/list] Spells (9) [list] [*]Polymerization x2 [*]Warrior Returning Alive x2 [*]Reinforcement of the Army x1 [*]Dark Factory of Mass Production x1 [*]The A. Forces x1 [*]Flash Fusion x1 [*]De-fusion x1 [/list] Traps (6) [list] [*]Royal Decree x1 [*]Call of the Haunted x2 [*]Sakurestu Armor x1 [*]Mirror Force x1 [*]Magical Cylinder x1 [/list] Extra (2) [list] [*] Arcana Knight Joker x2 [/list][/hider] Question, would the extra deck count as part of the 30 cards we chose. Its technically not part of the main deck but at the same time its the 30 cards we choose. So should I just leave 27 cards in my main deck and leave the rest open? [/quote] Extra deck doesn't count, but I did say the more you add the more niche they'd need to be. You're fine on that front though, so don't worry. The deck looks good, just add these cards per GM balance rule: (staple) Battle Fader, Forbidden Lance, Monster Reincarnation, Pot of Duality, Scapegoat (niche) Giant Rat x 2, The immortal Bushido, Rivalry of Warlords and another copy of The Warrior Returning Alive