[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mah3v0J4x71rufz89o6_r1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Corey Moore [b]Nickname:[/b] 'Cutlass' [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Place of Birth:[/b] Montgomery, England [b]Family:[/b] Estranged wife and 12 yr old daughter he hasn't seen since college [b]Occupation:[/b] (Ex Police Academy, Ex Air Force) Current 'Problem Fixer' and Private Eye [b]Profile:[/b] Henry Moore was the picture of the perfect American man, he was the son of a senator, a war hero, and well respected police Sargent in the midwestern town of Harmony, to the public he was absolutely flawless, handsome, witty, smart, and patriotic. His father, Senator Patrick Moore made sure his son had the best start in life and was prepped from a young age to say all the right things and appear exactly how he should to the public, and it showed. Henry went on to marry the beautiful actress Cathy McCallister and they had two children [b]Corey and Maisy[/b]. Cathy and Henry were both experts at being amazing to the public, but they were both very different outside of the public eye. Henry was a drug user and violent alcoholic, a nasty habit he picked up while experimenting with exotic substances in the army, he would frequently get into fights and threaten action from his senator daddy if he ever got into trouble, the drill sergeants hated him, but the influence from his family was too strong, so he was never formally punished. The violence came home as well, he would frequently beat both of his children in a rage after a night of drinking and losing money at the casino calling them both 'bad luck charms' as he hit them. Cathy was apathetic at the best of times, also a drug user, sucked into a vicious cocaine habit since the age of 16 in stage school, and having multiple affiars with various police officials and politicians, which Henry knew about but couldn't expose her for because of his own public image of the 'perfect marriage'. Corey saw all of this, the lies, the fake smiles, the evil. His father sent him off to both the police academy as a teen and later the air force in his early 20s in some home that he would follow in his footsteps as the 'perfect heir' but Corey rebelled, he hated the Police Force, The Army, The Congress, and Showbiz, this all reminded him of what his terrible parents represented. Although he was born and privately educated in England he could never escape the jingoistic american patriotism of his home life. So he ran away at the age of 21, to the US city of Justice, where the evils of the world were not hidden, but in plain sight, spending the next 8 years immersing himself in crime, vigilantism, escapism and self realization. The world was sick, people were flawed, Corey knew he was no exception but he was going to be honest about it. [b]Cast Status:[/b] Main character [b]Extra:[/b] Corey has various skills he picked up from the police academy and the air force which make him a very competent 'problem fixer' and investigator. He keeps himself in somewhat fighting shape (although he drinks a quite a bit). He is a skilled detective, hand to hand combatant (Boxing and Judo), driver, pilot, and knows quite a lot about criminal activity and street smarts due to his time in the city. A dangerous individual with no clear goal. [hider=Theme Song: Shrouded Pain] [youtube=Lhv_yFMuwxs]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DST-vpN5vCU[/youtube] [/hider]