[b]Name:[/b] Morgan Rouge [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human Appearance: [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/2dd0/f/2010/014/f/6/pirate_anime_boy_by_believe_in_music.jpg[/img] Morgan stands at an average 5’8 and weighs about 154 Ibs. His skin, tanned by long hours in the sun, is pulled taut over a well-built built body with broad shoulders, burly limbs, and a chiseled torso he actively flaunts. A messy sprawl of medium length blond hair falls just short of his amber eyes. Morgan’s left arm is tattooed with the black silhouette of an anchor crossed with a pair of cutlasses. He prefers wearing light shirts with most of the buttons left undone to show off his perfectly toned muscles, and a hardy pair of jeans. He's rarely seen without a bright red bandana and a navy military jacket from his seafaring days slung over his shoulders or wrapped around like a cape. The jacket is a hand-me-down from his father, and its edges are frayed and ragged around the edges, but Morgan still thinks it looks rather roguish when he has it around. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Fortune’s Six [b]Weapon Appearance/Function: [/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/57/2a/b1/572ab13f41db0b0bb5e9288ff2d67c0c.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.knifecenter.com/thumb/295x295/knifecenter/repros/images/dx1052g.jpg[/img] Fortune’s Six is a sextant of Cutlass pistols, which can switch between a pistol and cutlass forms by folding out from the barrel and extending a blade or retracting back into pistol form in reverse. Both pistol and sword form host a brown grip and decorated painted red filigree along the ends of the blade and barrel. [b]Type: [/b] Transforming between Melee and Ranged forms which are compatibility with dust cartridges. Morgan's tentacles can grab hold of the remaining pistols and fire in the general direction of his foes to fill the air with a rapid succession of shots. [b]Weapon Derivation:[/b] Cutlass and flintlock pistols [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] Morgan keeps four of Fortune’s Six onto holsters located on his gun belt with two in pistol form and two in cutlass form. The remaining two of the set are place in underarm holsters. [b]Form 1:[/b] Pistols Appears to be a long-barreled flintlock pistol with a brown grip and red inlays decorating the barrel. The pistols fire dust-based energy shots in quick succession and can be loaded with special dust bullets for specific effects. Additionally, he can channel his semblance through the pistols to create a make shift grapple or mid-range attack. [b]Form 2: [/b]Cutlass The Cutlass features a long curved blade with a navy crimson gild along the edges of its blade. Loading the cutlass with dust bullets before transforming allows the blades of Fortune’s Six to strike with similar elemental effects. [b]Form 3:[/b] All six of Fortune's Six can fuse together to form a cannon when Morgan wants a more explosive finish. The result appears to be a ship's cannon with a filigered mount and has Morgan's emblem painted in bright red on it's sides [b]Personality:[/b] Morgan is a proud and boisterous young man. Carrying himself loudly, dramatically, and confidently with every motion, Morgan is often filled with self-confidence. He’s not particularly good with books or a classroom setting and often gets bored during long speeches or lectures. Morgan is openly friendly to most others and enjoys challenging his peers to friendly competitions. Less positively, his self-confidence can sometimes get the better of him when and lead him into reckless actions. He enjoys gambling and drinking (when he can get away with it,) and likes climbing or getting atop high surfaces. Due to his upbringing he didn’t have much of an education in basic history and scientific subjects. As a result, he can come across as a bit ignorant of some pretty basic subjects at times. However, he knows quite a bit about both astronomy and navigation. [b]History: [/b] Nominally from Mistral, but born and raised on the deck of a ship, Morgan has spent almost the entirety of his life living on boats and near the sea. His father and mother were both hunters who captained a ship navigating the treacherous waters of Remnant and the cities of the four kingdoms. They sailed the high seas on a large ship known as the Fluffy Cloud protecting cargo, and defending coastal cities and towns from the depredations of grimm incursions. Morgan learned how to balance himself on the mast of a ship long before he ever made his first landfall. Most of his early childhood was spent constantly on the move and Morgan was home schooled by his family until he was 13 or 14, and even then Morgan only spent a few semesters at a time on land for basic schooling. Both his father and mother made sure he knew the basics of building, maintaining, aiming and firing a gun as part of his basic education, but they shirked in his education on world history and esoteric sciences. The life of a seaborne hunter was exciting, free and full of adventure in ways most hunters will never know, and the family lived at ease with the sea. That was until the Fluffy Cloud was attacked by a massive Grimm of unknown origin. The ship was throttled by massive inky black tentacles emerging from the depths of the ocean. The creature was one of the largest recorded monsters of the deep ever recorded, and its furious attack was barely fought off. Even with two hunters and ship full of cannons the creature was repelled only at great cost, the Fluffy Cloud was nearly torn asunder, and both of Morgan’s parents suffered horrendous injuries (injuries which were thematically replaced with a hook hand and peg leg respectively.) Meanwhile, the creature had merely submerged into the ocean without a trace. No one to this day knows where the monstrous grimm went, but ships from all four kingdoms have been mysteriously missing of late, and sailors all know that it’s still out there. His family decided to take a long vacation following that incident, and are currently sipping mimosas on a tropical beach along the coastal shores of Mistral for their second honeymoon while the ship is getting repaired. Meanwhile, Morgan decided to follow his family footsteps and become a full-fledged hunter becoming accepted into Beacon Academy and attending classes as a first year. [b]Emblem:[/b] [img]http://thumb7.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1791932/162754079/stock-vector-crossed-swords-162754079.jpg[/img] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Color:[/b] Coral Red [b]Combat Style:[/b] Morgan fights aggressively and actively by relying overwhelming firepower and a flurry of slashes at close range. He often switches between fighting with two cutlass's or fighting with a pistol in hand to keep his enemies pressured and to keep his options open. At medium range, he fires off successive shots with two pistols and when he needs even further fire power he calls on his semblance to grab the remaining pistols and fire in wild succession while Morgan supports its suppressing fire with his own more accurate shots. His semblance can also wield his weapons in Sword form, swinging wildly to defend Morgan at close range. Movement-wise, Morgan is constantly on the move in a fight, and uses his semblance to latch onto surfaces and keep himself moving. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Morgan is best suited for weaving into and out of a close-quarters fight. He's tough, and it takes quite a few hits before Morgan goes down, but he needs to rely on his semblance to deal with quicker foes because his natural agility isn't his most impressive trait unless he's got space to swing around properly. Morgan has rather poor control of his own semblance the tentacles can swing wildly and attack his own teammates if he tries to automate more than two of them at a time. They're also incredibly lousy shots. Though this tends to be made-up by the sheer amount of munitions Morgan can send into the air with all six of Fortune's Six in play. While his semblance avoids hurting Morgan by accident, his teammates can be fair game unless Morgan is very careful with how he uses his abilities. [b]Semblance:[/b] Inexplicable Tentacles Morgan can summon bright red octopus-like tentacles from almost any solid surface within about a dozen feet of himself The tentacles can then further reach forward about ten feet away from their origin point to grab and latch onto different objects or people. They tend to vary in size depending on how many he's summoning at once and how much he focuses on them individually with the largest being nearly as thick and tall as Morgan, and the smallest roughly thickness of his fingers. He can control up to two tentacles without too much trouble, but anymore and Morgan is left trying to guide their general actions while they swing wildly around his vicinity hoping to catch onto his enemies. Each tentacle can perform basic tasks, but aren't dexterous enough for more careful activities. This means each tentacle can fire a gun or swing a cutlass in a wild motion, but they're not capable of loading his guns with dust cartridges or picking a lock without a lot of concentration on the part of Morgan. They can lift and support Morgan, and help him swing toward better positioning in a middle of an engagement. When sufficiently damaged or cut the tentacles dissolve and turn into a spray of sea water, which promptly drops to the ground.