[IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/a3/70/50a370ddfc58cbfca28eaa840bba1c01.jpg [/IMG] Full Name: Nathaniel Davis Mach Nickname: Nathan, Nate, or “Nate the Great” to those who know him well. Age: 43 Place of Birth: Baltimore, MD. Family: Rhonda Spencer-Mach (Ex-Wife, Nurse, lives in Pittsburgh) Sean (Son 12 years old lives with his mom) Robert (Father, lives in Baltimore. Medically retired due to a stroke) Holly (Mother, lives in Baltimore. Still working will be retiring soon) 2 Brothers and 2 Sisters (Not worth getting into detail over) Occupation: Commander of the Major Crimes Unit. Profile: Nathan was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. to a working class family. Dad was a construction worker and his mom was a bank teller. While they didn’t have as much as they would like they had enough to get by on. One of the goals of Nathan’s parents was for the children to surpass them, but with 5 kids that was easier said than done. So scholarships or other ways were needed for them to go to college. Nathan opted for the Marines where straight out of High School at the age of 18, and he excelled at being an M-P. Eventually he worked his way up into the Criminal Investigations Division where he showed tremendous skill at going undercover and conducting an investigation. During his time in the Military Nathan went to college and eventually earned a Bachelor’s Degree majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. Nathan stayed in the Military for 10 years and when he got out he applied at few of the Police Academies. Pittsburgh was the first to respond and Nathan moved there. While there he met a young lady named Rhonda Spencer. The two fell in love and got married shortly after Nathan graduated from the Academy. Nathan proved to be an excellent police officer and quickly worked his way up the ranks to Detective. At the age of 39 he was the youngest Homicide Captain in the history of the Pittsburgh Police Department. While Nathan excelled at the Department his home life took several hits because of his obsession with his carrer. Everywhere Nathan went he saw reminders of his life with Rhonda and it caused him great pain. Nathan decided he needed a change of scenery so the Commissioner said he would help him. He told him about Justice, California where a friend of his was serving and needed. That the Police Department there was getting ready to start up a new division called the Major Crimes Unit. They would specialize in high profile crimes and taking down those who thought they were above the law. Nathan expressed his interest in the position and was brought in almost immediately as the C-O of the MCU. He handpicked each of the detectives under his command, and other than the standard rules of conduct Nathan has one rule that he wrote himself. None of the Detectives under his command are to have any sort of local family commitments outside of MCU. No spouses, significant others, or children because of the kind of crimes they deal with Nathan doesn’t want to take any chances that they could be compromised. Nathan’s personality is that of a man who says what he means and means what he says. Nathan sees things in black and white to him there are very few gray areas, and doesn’t suffer fools easily. He is loyal to those under his command and expects the same loyalty from them. Cast Status: Main Extra: Extremely devoted to his son, and though he doesn’t say it he still loves his ex-wife.