The largest limiting-factor of the frames is weight-limits, not cost. So needing to wait before getting anything decent is a non-issue. Although the selection is a tad sparse, it does successfully allow a decent variety of builds. [quote=@DarkStar] Ok I am whereever foster believes I am.... Cause' he has more of a handle on this. [/quote] I'd say you're on an allyway on Pembroke street or tucked around the corner of a building towards Mulberry, and not precisely in the middle of a major intersection (if the opposing force [i]did[/i] set-up a defensive-position in an intersection, they're idiots; because outflanking them would be easy, as illustrated by a mortar-round). There's a 4 meter wide service-alley in the north side of Highview about 60 meters past Pembroke, on the south appears to be a parking-lot* big enough to house a mortar-team. A sniper about 1 block NW of Highview would have a pretty clear line of fire down the alleyway (literally, on the other side of the alley), and leave himself as exposed as my IC suggested. *Correction: Parking [i]ramp[/i]