Sierra followed suit with the girls and the new companion, being mostly silent for the entire thing. By the time she decided to actually talk however, they had already reached the entrance to the tunnel. She stepped towards Mei rather idly, and tried to at least talk and make a first impression rather than seem like an awkward mute. [b]"Hey, I, uh, don't think I've seen you around Librarian at all. Are you new, or, have I just not seen you?"[/b] she said, thinking about where she had heard the name before. Only after did she realise what she had actually said and the information she had left out. [b]"O-Oh I'm, uh, Sierra. Sierra Periculum. It's... Uh, nice to meet you?"[/b] she lightly stammered. Being in social situations with strangers with new, and especially when it was work related. Sierra stretched out her hand, and from her wrist the watch dangled off of a chain, spinning in a circular motion from the chains tension. It had no door to seal off the face, so the mass of buttons and peculiar pattern stood out on black background against the cold, grey steel of the watch. It didn't exactly matter who saw it, as long as no one actually recognised it for what it was; a weapon. As she waited for her reply, she began tuning ham into what the twins were saying. She had pretty much muted their conversations because of how dull it was listening to them again and again. Maybe one day they would shut up. Now that would be a miracle.