“Well if I have to wait that long in order to have ice cream in Central Park, then so be it.” She said without really thinking before hiding her face into her beer. Maybe he wouldn’t catch on that they were the only ones who would have things like ‘not-dates’. Was this really a date… nah, it was a ‘not-date’, just two people hanging out, sitting together… at a baseball game, her first one, with giant foam fingers, beer --- so close. Oh shit this was a date! Yeah, in the back of her mind she knew, but at the same time she wasn’t going to openly admit it. It’s funny though, he was the first guy to actually listen and pay attention to what she liked. Edward was always thinking about himself and she cringed at the thought of even being near the man. And Guy, well Guy was nice but he was a bit aggressive for Marian’s taste in men. Be coy about it, be flirtatious and playful. Maybe a little sneaky like --- Her mind popped back to Robin Hood. His cheeky voice, his friendly gestures, his mystery… what girl could deny a man shrouded in mystery with a flirtatious way about him. Her body tingled with at the thought of him and it wasn’t until Robert’s voice began to echo in her mind and snapped her back into reality. She had brought her beer to her lips and nearly spit it on the hat of the person in front of her when he said he had never seen the Statue of Liberty before. [i]Cough cough cough[/i], she smacked her chest slightly before finally getting herself together and turning her wide blue eyes to him. “You’ve never been to the island? You’ve never climbed up to the top in the crown?!” She found herself laughing hard as she poked him with her foam finger. “That’s as bad as me with this game. I know what we’re doing for our next not-date.” At that moment, the Yankee’s batter’s bat made a cracking noise and took off in a run. Marian, much like the rest of the crowd was on her feet screaming at the top of her lungs with excitement and joy; cheering her favorite team on. Marian fell back in her chair with a grin as the man settled in on second base and had brought in two other runners. “Alright we’re off to a great start!” She said with excitement throwing her hands up into the air. It’s funny how that simple statement meant more than one thing; even the ‘not-date’ was a great start. “So Locksley, Truth or Dare?” She asked coyly grabbing her beer and taking a drink.