My character, until I decide if I want to expand upon his history more. [hider=The Lost Knight] Name: Morgan Selwyn [img][/img] Tag: The Lost Knight About: Straight out of the early Renaissance period, Morgan is a knight of 24. Once proud, brave, and honorable, he won fame and glory on the field of combat and the tournament field alike. Out of his armour, so to speak, he is intelligent, quick-witted, and generally friendly. He once shared the bravado of many young knights, but a scar across the back of his right shoulder stands as a testament to a lesson well learned. In this new world, Morgan has lost sight of the man he once was. At first, he was desperate to return to his place in the world, to his wealth and fame. Over time, however, he has discovered that this strange and dangerous world is in many ways not so different from his own. Now, he fights for survival rather than glory. [/hider]