[color=f6989d][h3][center]Měihóu Niángniang[/center][/h3][/color] [hider=Starting Appearance][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/60b7/f/2013/077/7/7/peacock_devi_by_naruleiin-d5yhfqb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=f6989d]"Heh, I got a thing for people in general."[/color] Měihóu smirks in response. Her stride becomes somehow theatrical in style, exaggerated in purpose, as she launches herself into the tunnel past the twins. Her form shifts in front of her eyes, back to her "standard" appearance. [hider= Current Appearance] [img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1310/i/2015/105/a/f/journey_to_the_west___sun_wukong_by_deepmazenta-d8a126p.jpg[/img] [/hider] With the pacing of a well rehearsed speech, [b][color=f6989d]"I'm Měihóu Niángniang, the loving fighter!"[/color][/b] Měihóu proclaimed to her "audience" of three with an upraised staff, now walking backwards into the unknown... though a keen eye not distracted by her antics would note her tail sweeping for obstacles like a blind man's cane. Měihóu began twirling her staff around arms and neck, the great unwieldy object somehow moving with grace. [b][color=f6989d]"The great sage of love and warrior-god of freedom. I see beauty in every heart and permit no body to be shackled!"[/color][/b] She stopped for a stage whisper, the staff somehow continuously looping around one wrist held away despite Měihóu barely moving her hand, [color=f6989d]"Except the fun kind."[/color] She continued back into her "routine", [b][color=f6989d]"When I say I can be anything you want, I actually mean it! When my staff adjudicates conflicts, it inflicts no true damage!"[/color][/b] She winked at the "actually mean it". At "no true damage", she brought the staff down hard, on a single raised pinky. A crack could be heard, yet the pinky did not bend. In another stage whisper aside, she informed them, [color=f6989d]"Even though that should have broken it, my pinky'll be fine in like, ten minutes. It's only stunned."[/color] Then, rejoining formation as though nothing had happened, [color=f6989d]"So, that clear up all your questions about me?"[/color] [center][@KoL][@Vocab][/center]