[b]Name:[/b] Morgan Selwyn [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Year[/b]: 1st [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Warlock (Water specialization) [b]Physical Description[/b]: [img]https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/ben_barnes_actor_brunette_man_long_hair_pretty_scarf_stylish_18948_602x339.jpg[/img] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: Standing at five and a half feet tall, Morgan is a rather thin individual, though not completely devoid of muscle. He has a mop of dark brown hair, always parted in the middle, that falls to his shoulders. Often hidden by his hair are dark blue eyes framed by sharp features that always seem a little distant. He tends to wear a scarf and jacket no matter the weather, and will do without the jacket before abandoning the scarf. Running from the back of his neck to his lower back are jagged scars, from falling through a crust of ice into a frozen lake and shredding his back on ice and stone. [b]Personality[/b]: Morgan is generally seen as quiet and reserved, and for good reason. He is prone to get lost in introspection, even in the middle of a conversation. Equally slow to judge and to trust, his every move and word in public seem to be chosen with deliberate care. Even among friends he tends to be seen as a little odd, though once he warms up he becomes more free and talkative. He tries hard to avoid drama of any kind, but inevitably tries to help his friends as best he can. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Reading, observing nature, drawing and writing (mostly to record notes), and dabbling with potions. [b]Familiar[/b]: [url=http://pre06.deviantart.net/34fa/th/pre/i/2014/178/a/c/majestic_black_cat_iv_by_esmeralda_stock-d6d8pl8.jpg]Judas[/url], a grumpy, grey-eyed black cat. [b]Extra[/b]: Morgan was born into a predominantly female coven, and has several full and half-sisters of varying ages. His only half-brother is much younger. [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Lyla Warren [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Year[/b]: 1st [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Species[/b]: Splice (Flying Fox) [b]Physical Description[/b]: [img]http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/redhead-women-portrait-photography-maja-topcagic-latest.jpg[/img] [b]In Depth Physical Description[/b]: Lyla has ears that, like the animal she had been spliced with, look similar to those of a fox. They sit atop her head and match her hair in color at the base, darkening on the way up until the tips are black. Two bat-like wings, with wingspan as wide as she can spread her arms, connect between her shoulder blades. They are not capable of flight (yet) but can be used to grasp things in a manner similar to normal bats. Overall, Lyla is short and slim, weighing in around one hundred pounds and standing at just over four and a half feet. Her eyes, once a strong blue, seem clouded or faded. [b]Personality[/b]: When she is not tired, Lyla is a font of cheer and laughter. Her bubbly personality lends well to befriending beings of all types, though more stoic people often find her annoying. Having no idea how to deal with angry or upset people, she tends to be rather meek when confronted. In the end, she just wants everyone to be content. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Reading (usually Braille), sleeping, dancing, and music. [b]Familiar[/b]: None [b]Extra[/b]: Lyla's eyes are highly photosensitive, to the point that she has to wear dark glasses in direct sunlight. Beyond this, she is almost entirely blind at any light level above moonlight. Even then, she cannot see well and must rely on her extremely sensitive ears that allow her to echolocate. Lyla hums habitually to facilitate this. She is also primarily nocturnal, causing her to have trouble sleeping at night, especially when alone. This often leads to her being sluggish and lethargic for a good portion of the day.