"Oh how do ya do, young Willie McBride. D'ya mind if I sit here down by yer graveside," Derrick sang quietly to himself, his own voice drowned out by the roar of the bike beneath him. It wasn't his usual fair, but it was still a good song so he sang it. Yeah. He was bored. To say the least. He'd finished work for the day, it was easy when he didn't actually have a job at the moment. There was always a need for a good motorcycle Mechanic but he'd also outed himself again accidentally the week previously at the shop. So with the boss aware of what he was he packed his few belongings, loaded the bike, and hit the road. He'd been getting tired of Sacramento anyway. Now he wandered around Southern California and had found himself in the vicinity of Glendale. He pulled over, noting an orange Mustang down the block and parked the bike, backing it up against the curb. Cutting the engine he spun around in the saddle so he was laying down on the bike, legs stretched out across the pillion seat with his back resting on the tank. Minutes later he tucked a freshly rolled cigarette between his lips and started patting his pockets for his lighter. "Feck," he muttered with a gusty sigh. The lighter was in his sale bags and he really didn't want to move to go digging for it. He looked around quickly for a second and, seeing no one around, lifted his index finger and pressed it to the tip of his smoke. A moment later a bright light sparked to life around the end of his finger and he puffed on the cig as the end caught. "There's gotta be a bar around here somewhere," he groaned in a thick Irish accent and exhaled a cloud of smoke into the air. While he lounged and brooded he caught a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced over. The girl was definitely hot. Slender, with longish dark hair and a decent figure. She climbed into the beat to hell orange Mustang and tried to start it, cursing when the vehicle failed to come to life. She got out and opened the hood, looking at the engine within for a time with a pensive expression on her face. He was just about to go over and offer some help when she gave a furtive look around, much as he had, and waved her hand over the battery and the car started right up. He ducked, eyes wide and watched her close the hood and get in the car. She was like him! He'd never met another Evo! As she started to drive away he tossed his smoke and turned around on the bike. A press of his thumb had the engine roaring to life and he pulled away from the curb, following her before he had a chance to think about how stupid the whole idea was. [@Nallore]