[img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/5da6/f/2011/147/c/0/amnesia__the_dark_descent_by_flipation-d3hde0a.jpg[/img] [color=39b54a]"You label me [color=ed1c24][i]impatient[/i][/color]? Allow me to share my thoughts. I pride myself on two virtues: the virtue of [color=00aeef][i]Patience[/i][/color], and the virtue of [color=7ea7d8][i]Temperance[/i][/color]. I'll let you ponder the latter..."[/color] ----- Andrew Sedwich, known to the supernatural world as one of the former most popular poets in the world. During the early days of the victorian era, Sedwich made his reputation on beautifully written poetry. However, that wasn't the only reason behind his choice of employment, as it also got him closer to the very thing he needed to survive as an Incubus. It was said that at one point he was so powerful even the high order of Vampires in Britain wouldn't dare cross his path. Those days have long since passed, and Andrew currently lives in seclusion at an unknown location. Rumor has it that Sedwich found a way to live without having to feed that which his being craves. This rumor is yet to be confirmed as truth. Andrew is a tightly kept man, relying heavily on appearances and wealth to intimidate his foes. However, to accommodate ever changing times, Andrew has had to take a more hands on point of view when conducting any business. Andrew has had very little interaction with other supernatural beings since the fall of his "Golden" era. The only notable relationship with any other races is a bad blood between him and a pack of Werewolves from Spain for reasons unknown. That set aside, in Andrew's roughly 400 years alive, he has never had any other serious issues with any other races aside from the occasional with his own. ----- [u][color=8493ca][i][b][The following is an excerpt from a written archive dated to the early years of Queen Victoria's rule in England. It follows a recorded conversation, supposedly between Sedwich, the Queen, and an unknown third party, speculated to be a former chairmen of the ancient Vampiric Order in England.][/b][/i][/color][/u] Conversation Key: [color=8dc73f]Sedwich (Green)[/color], [color=ed1c24]Unknown Woman (Red)[/color], [color=a187be]Queen Victoria (Purple)[/color]. [color=8dc73f]That which I suggest is nothing more then precaution, Queen. I firmly belie- [/color] [color=ed1c24]You firmly believe what, Incubus? The only thing of which you concern yourself appears to be your hunger of intercourse, and delusional drunken lifestyle.[/color] [color=8dc73f]Drunken? How amusing. Really, you should delve into the possibility of becoming a Jester. Maybe that ridiculous mind of your's would fall to better use.[/color] [color=a187be]I've heard enough from both of you. Chairmen, I do believe Sedwich makes an understandable point. The Order has been operating outside the boundaries of England's law solely on the order of the former ruler. I am not such an easily persuaded woman, and I do agree that precautions are due to be implemented.[/color] [color=ed1c24]Queen, I mean you no disrespect, but the majority of the coin your kingdom raises is from our dealings. You would really impose amendments against us? Limit your own profit?[/color] [color=8882be]I must ensure that if your colleagues decide they have more power than their employer, that I have a weapon to combat them. Your Order lives peacefully because I make it so. Don't test me Chairmen... [/color] [color=8dc73f]I believe your queen has spoken, Vampire.[/color] [color=ed1c24]Don't test me you ignorant Incubus bloke! Do you know how many years we've helped run this Kingdom?[/color] [color=8dc73f]The real question is, how many years you've been cheating this kingdom?[/color] [color=ed1c24]Watch your tongue, Percival.[/color] [color=8dc73f]What, are you going to attack me? We both know how that action ends, night-walker...[/color] [color=fff200] -Writer notes that a silent tension falls at this moment-[/color] [color=ed1c24]Fine, you both want to hold yourselves back? So be it. Expect to hear from the rest of the Order's leaders soon...[/color] [color=fff200]-The writer continues to describe the unknown woman storming off-[/color] [color=8dc73f]I apologize, Queen, I was simply- [/color] [color=8882be]Worry not, Sedwich. We can deal with such a pain at another time. Now then, about that romantic dinner you promised?[/color]