[h2]Noboru Yamamoto-Cave of Solitude[/h2] Noboru laughed a loud hearty laugh when he heard the orders. It was time to pop in and do what he did best. He drove his foot through the quickly regenerating webs, jumping through. He chuckled all the way through his leap. [color=navy]"Hey Akane! Better keep up!"[/color] Noboru sized up the room. He scanned the area, looking at his teammates first. They seemed tired, the fight dragging on. He looked around again, scanning the enemies in the room. His eyes slowly settled on the shadow. They widened, and his mouth dropped. The first words out of his mouth would've turned milk sour. [color=navy]"Holy fucking shit. Goddamn are you ugly! Y'know, I could forgive you if you were just one face, but holy damn I feel offended just looking at you! And besides, isn't the spider thing a little bit overplayed?[/color] Noboru squatted down, as if preparing to catch something large. He looked over to Akane and spoke to her. [color=navy]"Hey, pssssssssssst, Akane! Play along with me. I have a plan. Insult it as much as you can. Try to piss it off. Don't worry either. If it charges us, i'll take the hit. Now hurry up. Roast it alive!"[/color]