[b]What has happened during our story:[/b] [list] [*]November 2020: [List] [*]Martin Winters, anticipating a plague, locks himself within his new commercial building, The Wheelhouse. He is alone, for now. With the restaurant, coffee shop, and other retail businesses well stocked, he is sitting pretty ... EXCEPT that he doesn't have enough of his presciptions to last more than a few weeks. [*]Elizabeth "Lizzie" Jones, now the last living doctor at a medical offices building we will simply call "Good Sam", orders the building secured. Once the Infected either die and are discarded, prove to be Immunes, or become Crazies (which the rabid, maniacal cannibals are called) and killed, Lizzie is accompanied by 12 Immunes. They will run out of food in just days. Ironically, Lizzie has the prescriptions Martin needs. [/list] [/list]