Victor smiled before a human sized Venus fly trap rose up from the ground and suddenly screamed like a lobster being placed in boiling hot water as Kallen’s sword pierced into his body. Green liquid spewed from its wound before it fell to the ground and wilted. “Making friends already?” a woman asked as she sat on top of one of the houses. She had on a white dress, white slipper looking shoes, and a massive snake tattoo that went from right ankle up her dress, through her cleavage, and ended at her left wrist with the snake mouth open, ready to swallow her hand. “I thought I smelled a mold,” Victor said before he turned to her and added, “What in the world are you doing here Viper?” Viper shrugged and jumped down from the roof. A large flower rose from the ground and caught here before she hit the ground. She hoped off the plant as it wilted away. “I was told to come here and get you. Boss hates waiting while you play with your dolls,” Viper said with a sly smile. He forked tongue flickered from her mouth. “I’m on the middle of something right now, can’t he wait?” Victor asked. Alex saw his chance and ran towards Victor and Viper with his three blades floating around his body. He shot all three blades at both Viper and Victor. However, before they could connect, a wall of vines blasted out of the ground and blocked the three blades. “Do you mind, we’re having a conversation,” Viper sighed as the wall of vines wilted away. There was a large shadow across the ground before a massive mummified crow landed next to both Viper and Victor. On its back was a large sarcophagus. A small child around the age of 10 slid down the side of the bird and fell flat on her face before she got up and smiled. “Boss wants you two back at the HQ, he’s super pissed at you Victor for making him wait,” the girl said. Victor sighed before he said, “I know Alice, Viper already told me.” “Then why did you make me repeat what you already knew you big meanie!” Alice yelled as she puffed out her cheeks in anger. “Never mind that, just surround us so we can get away,” Viper said as she walked towards the mummified crow. Alice nodded before she skipped towards the bird as well. Alex was about to run after them when the ground ruse up like a trap door and a human sized spider launched from the ground and took one of the scarecrows in its mouth. However, the body was a spider, but the head was of a cat with Spider fangs on the sides of the cat’s mouth. “Don’t get any ideas,” Viper said as she climbed into the sarcophagus. “Oh please, with you, I’d have a better time with Alice’s trap door spider cats,” Victor said before he climbed in as well and the sarcophagus closed. Alice climbed up the side of the crow before it flew away. “Get back here,” Alex yelled before the scarecrows suddenly bursted into flames.