[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KU5WIr5.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][sup][u]Before you can post, there are just some small things that you need to be reminded of so that the IC will be in order.[/u][/sup][/h3][/center] [list][*]There will be no posting standards. Meaning, I won't be demanding a specific number of sentences, words or paragraphs. Feel free to write a post at any length you desire. However, please be reminded that this is still in the Casual section. Always have quality over quantity. [*]When doing solo arcs or collaborations which aren't part of the main arc, please attach a timestamp to your posts. E.g. 4:21 PM. (The time when it all happened) Friday, (The day) The White House. (The place of activity) This will be important so that your solo arcs/ collaborations will have a connection towards the different time sequences of the RP. [*]There is no posting order. However, you're not allowed to post just after you've posted, simple as that. You need to wait until two people have posted before moving on. [*]Do not put your posts in hiders. I don't know about some but when I'm using mobile, I'm not able to open hiders and I need to at least read your posts while I'm at work. [*]If you're going to be away or won't able to post for a specific number of days, then please [u]inform us.[/u] [*]Lastly, have fun. I won't be having this RP if people aren't having fun. Don't take things too seriously. [/list]