Fox, personally, was not overly fond of having to hunt specific people down. Especially for someone else. But for someone like him it was easy work, aside from the blood. He liked traveling and spending time on his own and got quite the thrill from carrying out an execution sentence in someones place, plus the reward for returning with their head or some defining mark of theirs was definitely worth it. The reward was often good, depending on who it was for. Even if it didn't reap anything physically useful, it did leave you with some good standing and reliability in their eyes- all of which could lead to better things down the line. Once again, though, depending on who it was. Today was not one Fox particularly cared to really think about. It had been nearly a week and he had been hunting after some strange doctor fellow, but he hadn't had even the slightest bit of luck finding them. Instead, he had ran into several Scorp members while they rested. Feeling particularly irritated from his lack of fortune while scavenging and 'hunting', they made for the perfect targets to release some of his irritation. And to top it all off, he managed to leave most of their supplies blood free, which was always a good bonus if you were planning on pawning off their junk or trading it for better goods elsewhere. Which was exactly what he was planning to do. Groaning very quietly, Fox steadily made his way towards the pawnshop, four different bags in tow. Three rather large dufflebags were slung over his chest and rested against his back while another one was resting against his right hip. All of the bags seemed rather full and probably very heavy- but the one that rested upon his right hip was the most concerning. Well, maybe not concerning, but it was not pretty too look at. The bottom of the green bag was practically stained a permanent black-brown color, it actually dripped dark red liquid onto his pantleg. Not that he was giving it much notice while he stepped over some trash and the alike- not giving much attention to his surroundings. Aside from the blood that ran down his right leg from the bag of questionable contents, he had bits of it splattered elsewhere too. Some of it stained his pale blond hair, a bit of it on his face, but most of all there was still evidence of it on his arms. It looked like he had tried to wash it away at some point prior, but not well enough. There were still smears all over the leather that covered over his arms. Growing closer to the pawnshop, Fox quickly lifted up both hands in [i]'surrender'[/i] and [i]'I come in peace'[/i]. At least the best he could, considering the extra weight he was carrying around with him at the moment and the fact that his entire right side was just a bit too stiff. He spotted a familiar figure leaving, but he was not going to bother trying to converse with him right now. Hands still raised as he drew closer, Fox gave one small wave of one of his raised hands, a somewhat friendly smile forming onto his face- like he hadn't just been killing some people. "[color=f26522]Open?[/color]" He called towards the shop, coming to a stop beside a pile of rubble- just in case. He wasn't always welcome in places while carrying body parts for bounty and trade, but ya' know, he wasn't willing to leave their heads behind. If anything, he knew his old friends The Coyote's would love to do some more business with him. But they were farther away than the pawnshop, he didn't want to have to travel that far just for some supplies he would waste in the time it took for him to get back to the Arena. But hey! Today he didn't just have body parts! He had other stuff too, a whole three dufflebags worth.