[s]My still incomplete CS. Still waiting to see who claims Flash so I don't step on any toes. :) But other than that, she's pretty much done.[/s] It's done yo. [hider=Jesse Chambers][center][img]http://thearrowverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/11781713_10152917342616923_7914898149312772391_n.jpg[/img] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Identity[/color] |[/color][/b] [color=fff79a]Jesse Chambers[/color] A.K.A. [color=ed1c24]Jesse Quick[/color][/center] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Origin & Backstory[/color] |[/color][/b][indent][color=fff79a]The Origin of all Things[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]The War[/color][/sup][indent]While Jesse wouldn't be born for nearly 50 years, it's important to know where she comes from. In 1911, Jesse's grandmother Bess Lynn is born. Bess was a strong, willful woman. She was ostracized because she didn't act like a female. But that never deterred Bess. She ignored people as they gossiped. Even despite the fact she had married Mr. Lawrence and had a child by the time she was nineteen. The child was named Libby. She was born in 1930. The next year Bess joined the Army at the age of twenty and became Miss Liberty. She even fought in the war effort in the 40s, one of the few women to actually see combat. Then there was Johnny Chambers. Johnny was born in 1923. When the bombings at Pearl Harbor occurred Johnny was one of the young men in line to join the War. During the war he used his Speed Formula to help fight the Nazi's. It was around that time that he meet Bess Lawrence. The two became friends and they made up a special squad due to their unique abilities.[/indent][color=fff79a]Start of a New Beginning[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]Marriage and a Daughter[/color][/sup][indent]After the War ended, Johnny retired from the military. He wanted to work on the Speed Formula and discover how it was able to give him super speed. He started a company named Quick Start to fund his research. During this time he married the daughter of Bess, Libby. Young Libby had the same abilities as her mother, but hated them deeply. She had watched her mother be shamed and ostracized for her behavior and vowed to be a [i]good girl[/i]. Though she couldn't help but love the charming gentleman, a real war hero. For a while Libby was perfectly content. In 1955 Johnny and Libby had a daughter they named Jesse.[/indent][color=fff79a]When Perfect isn't Perfect and Breaks[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]When Jesse's Mom Left[/color][/sup][indent]The marriage of Johnny and Libby had always been rocky. It wasn't built to last. Something Johnny's friend had told him. Libby was too conservative. She hated anything to do with the Speed Formula and her mother's powers. It didn't make it better that little Jesse was exhibiting super strength also. As Johnny pushed his research into research journals and during lectures, Libby became more and more unhappy with her husband. Things came to a head in the sixties. Libby's and Johnny's marriage came to a screaming end. Libby took Johnny to court and routed him. She took his company and every single dime he was worth. The only thing she left was her daughter, Jesse. Fortunately the toddler didn't remember any of this and her father never told her it was because she had super human strength and that her mother couldn't handle it. After Libby left Johnny he started a new company; Quickstart Enterprises. Libby had shut down Quick Start, but had retained the copyright on the name so Johnny couldn't use it.[/indent][color=fff79a]Destiny is a Bitch[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]Jesse Rebels[/color][/sup][indent]Jesse grew up hearing stories of the War. Her father regaled them to her over and over. Stories of Miss Liberty and Max Mercury and Johnny Quick. And she couldn't have enough. He even bought her comics of a hero called Jay Garrick, [i]The Flash[/i]. Her father had liked to joke that Jay was modeled after him. He always kept his identity a secret to the public during the war and after. Still he maintained that somehow Garrick was his fictional counterpart. Jesse had just rolled her eyes, much to her father's chagrin. Jesse's desire to follow in his footsteps reached a damper as she tried to reconnect with her mother in her teen years. Libby hadn't wanted anything to do with her daughter and finally finding out the truth drove Jesse into a depression. She had tried to cope, as all teenagers do, by taking it out on her father. She blamed her dad for her mother's hate. Those years soured the girl against anything superhero related. Jesse tossed all her [i]The Flash[/i] comics and stopped listening to her father's stories. She ran off to college at the age of 18 just to escape the pressure her father was putting on her to follow in his footsteps. Her father had taken back up with the JSA while she was away. Unfortunately for Jesse the pressure increased when she graduated from University in '78. [/indent][color=fff79a]Running With the Justice Society[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]See Jesse Run[/color][/sup][indent]Jesse finally succumbed to her father's desires in the 80s. For a short time she was apart of the JSA. Taking a leaf out of her father's book she called herself Jesse Quick. Like her father she kept her real identity a secret. Despite herself she found her time with the JSA enjoyable. She made fast friends with the members and they became something of a surrogate family. By the time the 90s start to roll around, Jesse thinks she's found where she can be happy.[/indent][color=fff79a]Johnny Dies at the End[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]Jesse Becomes a CEO[/color][/sup][indent]But happiness never lasts. In '93 on August 3rd at 0300, Johnny died. Jesse doesn't like to talk about it, or even hear about it, but it happened. Johnny had died saving Jesse's life. The only blessing was he merged right with the speed force so she didn't have to see him die horribly. Johnny was only 70, but he looked like he was still in his 30s. After her father was declared legally dead, Jesse took over Quickstart Enterprises, giving up Jesse Quick. It was an action she found far harder to do than she thought. Due to her father's death she finally had what she wanted when she was younger, the company. But now it was bitter sweet. The new CEO felt lost and too young for the responsibilities thrust upon her slim shoulders. She was only in her 30s with no experience. The next few years were incredibly difficult. Without the support of her friends Jesse never would have made it. As the years grew long, Jesse slowly aged with her company. Her father's research was still going strong. Though at this point it was all theoretical because Jesse wouldn't take part. She did remember the cheers from the scientists as they heard news of a man calling himself [i]The Flash[/i] in central city. She knew they solicited him for help in their research since Jesse refused. Last she had heard was that there might be a tentative agreement.[/indent][color=fff79a]Jesse's Final Run[/color] [sup][color=ed1c24]Return of the Quick[/color][/sup][indent]Now in her 60s, Jesse has taken back up the mantle of Jesse Quick in the wake of Superman's death. In lieu of her decision she has made Seth Roth acting CEO in her place.[/indent][/indent] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Attributes[/color] |[/color][/b] Jesse inherited her powers from both her parents. [indent][color=fff79a]Super Speed:[/color] When Jesse recites an ancient speed formula it allows her access to the speed force. She can run at superhuman speeds and also has the increased capacity to react at those speeds. [color=fff79a]Flight:[/color]What Jesse does might make it look like she's flying. But it's more like "inverse flight". She runs so fast she's able to travel faster than escape-velocity and thus leave the surface of the earth. [color=fff79a]Decelerated Aging:[/color] Thanks to the speed formula Jesse uses, she ages slowly compared to normal people. At her current rate, she appears to be about half her age. It's not known how long she'll live since her father didn't die of old age. [color=fff79a]Super Strength:[/color] Jesse is able to lift heavy objects with ease. While she can't bench press planets, she can lift tons straight over her head. She isn't able to life things like battle cruisers or skyscrapers.[/indent] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Character Notes[/color] |[/color][/b][indent][color=fff79a]Speed Formula[/color]: 3x2(9yz)4a [color=fff79a]QSE Location[/color]: San Francisco, CA [color=fff79a]Family:[/color] [indent][color=ed1c24]Bess Lynn[/color] - Miss Liberty (Justice Society of America) Died in 1984 at 73 years old. Jesse's Grandmother. [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Quick_(Johnny_Chambers)][color=ed1c24]Johnny Chambers[/color][/url] - Johnny Quick (Justice Society of America) Died in 1993 in his 60s. Now apart of the Speed Force. [color=ed1c24]Libby Lawrence[/color] - Liberty Bell (Justice Society of America) Currently 86. Retired and in a nursing home. [color=ed1c24]Philip Geyer[/color] - Libby's second husband. Lives with Libby.[/indent] [color=fff79a]Quickstart Enterprises[/color]:[indent][color=ed1c24]Seth Roth[/color] - Current acting CEO of QSE [color=ed1c24]Rick Tyler[/color] - Head of Advertising [color=ed1c24]Name Here[/color] - Info Here [color=ed1c24]Name Here[/color] - Info Here[/indent] [color=fff79a]Others[/color][indent][color=ed1c24]Professor Gill[/color] - The Professor who had discovered the Speed Formula and taught it to Johnny. [color=ed1c24]Max Mercury[/color] - This was the man who helped train Johnny, Jesse's father. She never meet the man, but she grew up hearing stories all about him. [color=ed1c24]JSA Memembers[/color] - Jesse keeps in contact with the JSA. [color=ed1c24]The Flash[/color] - Makes his home in Central City.[/indent] [color=fff79a]Rogues:[/color][indent]None. She's been out of the business too long to have any Rogues.[/indent] [hider=Front view of costume][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/dd/f3/feddf3804b900928084c2ab63ce1f5be.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Character Goals[/color] |[/color][/b] [list][*]Get Jesse back into the game. The old gal's ben out of the gig for a few years, and I'd like to see how she conforms to the new Status Quo with the Justice League.[*]I'd also like to see her make it onto one of the teams, maybe even become someone people rely on.[*]Lastly, I'd like to see her struggle with juggling her company and the superhero life.[/list] [b][color=fff79a]| [color=ed1c24]Sample Post[/color] |[/color][/b][indent]Jesse was never a very emotional woman. Being in your sixties tends to temper your emotions. Even in her younger years the only emotions she'd ever show were things like determination and stubbornness. The only exception is when her father died. It was made doubly more emotional because he sacrificed his life for hers. And even that was over thirty years ago. Yet, when she watched Doomsday come to earth and fight Superman, she was just as afraid as anyone else. Christmas eve was supposed to be a time for celebration. It was something that Quickstart Enterprises endorsed. They offered paid vacation for all employees from the 23rd of December to the 27th. Those who are not Christian could get different days off. For example, those who practice Hinduism and celebrated Pancha Ganapati got the 21st to the 25th off. Of course Hanukkah didn't have any set days by the Gregorian calendar, it was decided what days they'd have off at the beginning of each year. This year is had begun on the 6th. Still QSE had sent their Jewish workers home to celebrate the holidays for the 24th and 25th. No one was supposed to be at QSE. Not even Jesse. When the news broke about Doomsday Jesse had sat in her office and stared out the window, listening. The news played on every station and was all over the internet. It became a senseless blur as she listened to the bow-by-blow news cast. Superman was ducking it out with the creature the news called Doomsday. Jesse's stomach is still doing gymnastics from the news of the Justice League International. The idea that Doomsday had ripped through them like tissue paper was hard to swallow. As the news report continued Jesse closed her eyes and offered up a prayer to whomever was listening. Jesse was a self proclaimed atheist, but now seemed a good time to see if anyone was listening. Jesse finally snapped out of her numb horror as the news caster she was listening too fell silent. Jesse turned back to the large screen on her wall. A lone camera man was leaning out of a helicopter, had to in order to get that shot, and filming something. Jesse found herself standing and moving closer to the screen. Everything was eerily quiet. Nothing was visible, dust was covering everything. Jesse was with the world as they watched with baited breath. When the dust cleared it was obvious why there was no movement. Jesse found herself on her knees, cry as she hadn't done in ages. As she cried she thought of her father, who had died to save her. Superman had died to save them all. Jesse still remembered when he first came out. An Alien. He had been feared, even respected. But never human. And he had done this thing for them. As she kneeled on her office floor on Christmas day she thought about her father. She thought about Superman. And she thought about her life. When she finally pulled herself off the floor she had decided that it was time for Jesse Quick to return to action. It was time to stop hiding from her father's legacy; from her destiny. It was time to become who she was meant to be. "[color=fff79a]3x2(9yz)4a[/color]." The old formula still came easily to her. In a flash she was gone from the office.[/indent][/hider]