[color=turquoise]A bit of a smile crossed Dru's lips as this new stranger uttered a familiar name. [b]"Ah, Richard? Yeah, he's part of our guild..."[/b] The worry in her face concerned him, so he felt pretty bad at his next response. [b]"I, uh... hate to tell you this now, but he's actually out on a job right now. He should be back soon, but until then the master should be able to help with anything Richard could."[/b] So she did know somebody in the guild. That was a good thing. Maybe they were close friends or something? The look in her deep, blue eyes said otherwise, but he simply shrugged it off as the shopkeep approached him. A bit of a frown appeared on his lips. The master wouldn't be happy to hear that they didn't have those. They had already asked at two shops. Blue crystals were pretty common, right? They used them for a lot of things around the guild, including cooking. It was strange that many shops were running out, so quickly... Hopefully there wasn't a shortage. This was another thing that just didn't sit right with Dru. The pain in his eyes began to tingle, and he gracefully ran a hand through his hair to mask the pain. This stranger didn't need to know the weird things going on around here, especially if she did want to make a formal request. Above all, he knew that the image and reputation of the guild was extremely important - it was what provided all of them with work. After leaving his list of groceries needed with the shopkeeper, he began to lead the girl - Sophia, she said - back to the guild hall. His eyes traced her up and down, examining her. A girl this pretty would fit right in over at their hangout. In fact, he immediately knew that the other men were going to mistake her as a customer and immediately try to charm her. She was in for a treat. He wasn't into all of that, though, so he figured he'd just find the master to help her and retreat back into his corner to check out some books. It was a bit strange how similar they looked, though, and something about that kept sort of nagging in the back of his mind. Right now it wasn't important, but it did make him wonder since there weren't many others like his tribe out there. When she asked about the guild, Dru couldn't help but to smirk. She would be pretty disappointed to see how much of their effort went toward beauty - they were practically a host club, the way they dolled up and welcomed guests everyday. Many jobs related to dating or makeovers and things that really didn't make an impact on society. However, their guild was full of talented wizards, despite how much they wasted their talents. [b]"I guess we're best described as a... research guild? A lot of our work is based around climate and how magic affects the world around us, but honestly it's not really what we're best known for..."[/b] Another smirk crossed his lips as he tried hard not to laugh. Research? Yeah, they did that. After all, they did have experts in snow and air within their guild, and he himself was a master of water. They often studied the weather and how to manipulate and control it. Plus, they had some known for archival magic. Richard was really the only one to study how the climate is affected by magic, but he was considered the nerd of the group. Handsome, just like all the rest, but still a nerd. [b]"Well, here we are."[/b] He stopped at the gate to a large, highly-decorated building in the center of town. Blue Pegasus. The place he had called home for the past several years. A safehaven. [b]"This is home. Now, uh... You might find that it's a bit different from what you expect, but be sure to give it a chance, okay? Whatever you need, they'll be able to help. Trust me."[/b] There was almost a pained look in his eyes as he said this, glimpsing into the past. They were always there whenever he needed them, so he had no trouble saying this to her with full confidence that they would help her solve whatever problems she had.[/color]