[center] [h3]Haven[/h3] [/center] [b]Full name[/b] [indent]Austin Colson Morales[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]27[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Physical appearance[/b] [indent]He is a well built and kind of attractive blonde Caucasian. He has an athletically tall and brawny body. His arms are covered with supremacist superhuman gang related tattoos (A vulkan in his right arm and whatever the symbol for the rebellion may be on his left) his hair is a braided man bun with three braids tied into a ponytail while the remainder of his head is shaved. Finally Austin also counts with blue eyes, a chiseled jawline covered by a beard and a constant inscrutable yet appealing expression. [hider]use him as a reference: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5e/68/9e/5e689e3a5c776641c6a505847c345893.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent] Austin has a natural tendency to marshal and direct. Sometimes he does it with the charm and finesse of a world leader but most time insensitivity is his way. He requires little encouragement to make or enforce a plan and will give it his all when he has one. He has a natural ability to talk and convince but prefers remaining quiet if he can as even if he has natural capabilities to lead he isn’t a leader, more suited towards a strategist/second in command role. To Austin all means can justify a cause and even if he can say "I'm really sorry you have to die," he will nonetheless pull the trigger precisely because he is decisive. In times of crisis he sees what needs to be done, and frequently assigns roles and plans carefully when needed the most. Few others can equal his ability to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading the charge) into the mouth of hell if necessary. When challenged, Austin may by reflex become argumentative but alternatively he may unleash an icy gaze that serves notice: he is not one to be trifled with. He may not be the face you would put to your group or the one to give motivational speeches but he is the guy that will keep your people in line and operation running smoothly. All this qualities make him a reliable, loyal, and trustworthy squad leader and ally, if you are like him. Sadly his vision is too fanatical and he doesn’t care for anything other than Superhuman supremacy which makes him xenophobic towards humans and his hatred for them can make rage greatly overshadow his positive and useful qualities. [/indent] [b]Biography/Background history[/b] [indent]After the official discovery of powers many of the gifted believed others would harm them and so Austin’s parents along with several other families of superhumans banded together, founded and moved to what their kind regarded as a better place during 2016. This enclave known simply as Haven prospered and remained a quiet little town on Virginia only guilty of housing people wanting to be at peace without hiding who they were. Life on haven was pretty uneventful and normal for all its inhabitants until 2025 when Nick Washterson's nationwide convocation occurred and most of the town began helping SCAR and the rebels. Being part of a new generation and hope for the inhuman society Austin and his fellow Haven born superhumans were heavily indoctrinated into believing they were not just special but far superior to any normal man. Sadly when he was barely thirteen his town was bombed and subsequently attacked by the government. Austin and a few other younglings managed to survive the bombings by hiding in the sewers but their home, families, and lifestyle had been all erased due to the jealous and inferior humans, or so they thought. Under his leadership the group of surviving orphans banded together and managed to stay alive for a long time, living in seclusion and far away from human society. They taught themselves how to hunt, eat, and survive while evading contact with others but eventually moved to DC in 2042, decided to no longer live in fear. There they formed a notorious criminal, street leveled superhuman supremacy gang named Haven’s Marshalls and mainly dealt with human gangs while evading the police and the state’s eye. Dedicated to terrorizing humans and petty crimes the gang lacked real purpose but on 2044 after a bank robbery went wrong and accidentally ended in an aggravated murder the gang was imprisoned in a regular prison (the state not possessing proof they had powers) It was during his second year serving that a power struggle with a rival gang broke out inside the prison and Austin had to use his powers in order to evade being killed which landed him a transfer to the ORB. [/indent] [b]Powers[/b] [indent]Austin is in peak human condition, possesses enhanced hearing, can provoke pyrotechnically explosive attacks (through the use of sound), and concentrated sound and sonic waves. Austin unleashes wave after wave of devastating harmonics and literally rips his target apart with the power of extreme sounds. Visibly you can see these noise waves as transparent vibrating arcs and rings, similar to Marvel’s quake but unlike her it is not vibration its sound. When very angry as a last resort Austin can emit a giant wave in a circle around him capable of crumbling buildings, shattering bones, bursting organs and causing electronic equipment to explode as the wall of sonic energy passes over everything, however if he is forced to do this it will leave him powerless for a sensible amount of time. Austin can change the frequency of his attacks from a subsonic rumbling that tears buildings apart to a supersonic squall that pierces eardrums and flays skin from flesh. He may also scale repeatedly up and down these frequencies, causing a blast of sonic energy that rolls forward like a force wave from a massive conventional explosion but their unpredictability and rebounds are too dangerous for constant use. Because of this he usually only employs the crippling waves and sound spheres, which are self-sustainable balls of sound that besides vibrating away low density objects can grind into whatever they come in contact with to inflict major damage and are easily produced. [/indent] [b]Weaknesses[/b] [indent]A sound on the right frequency if used against him will render him useless because of his enhanced hearing. He also has a short to mid-range when engaging in combat because even if he can tear most things to pieces by vibrating them apart he must be close as his long range attacks are too explosive and unpredictable for regular use and his sound spheres although never breaking apart are easily dodged if from a distance. As mentioned before Austin can be a cold man and can sacrifice a brother, or himself if it can complete the mission making him insensible. Besides these flaws Austin also counts with eye problems as he can’t see too far away. [/indent] [b]Miscellaneous information[/b] [indent]Austin is very skilled in hand to hand combat.[/indent]