[color=gold][i][b][center]Legion[/center][/b][/i][/color] The Legion at the tower had their hands occupied trying to evacuate the civilians and tend to the wounded. When Jessi and his men arrived, the one of the Legion gave them their orders. [color=gold]"Head to the other towers and secure them! Clear this area of civilians, arrest anyone who resist."[/color] Then the Legion began to create more of themselves in order to have more hands to heal and evacuate the civilians. Meanwhile on the rooftops the Legion had surrounded Alexandria, though only one who was speaking had actually drawn his sword. He was making it clear to her that he was not going to hesitate to run her through if she showed even an ounce of resistance. [color=gold]"In the name of Imperium Law, you are under arrest for suspicion of heresy. Come with us peacefully and you shall receive a fair trial to prove your innocence. Resist, and justice will be swift."[/color] This promoted two other Legions to fly down to Alexandria's level, one of them taking out a pair of manacles and the other just to stay close in case she tried anything. Of course considering the chaos going on, Alexandria would should hope that she isn't simply executed with the other prisoners on today's list. Chaos quickly began to spread in the city, forcing other members of the Legion to go off and maintain order. Only the two near Alexandria and the one who was speaking to her stayed, while the other three left to do peace keeping. At the Execution Grounds a group of soldiers arrived, and the Legion themselves would show up as soon as possible. But they must first deal with the Tower. Being normal humans, regardless they went to fight the monstrous entity. They charged at her with their long spears, hoping that they could collectively stab her to death, or at least hold her in place for a finishing blow by the Crimson Knight. Elsewhere, a soldier looked at Cecilia. "They must be! We've just gotten reports of an attack at one of the towers housing fireworks and the execution grounds! We're trying to evacuate civilians away from there, go seek safety!" The soldier commanded Cecilia, unaware of her status os an officer of the Observer District. He didn't stay to contest anyways, as a Ragnar ordered him to rejoin ranks and set off towards the Execution Grounds. [@BytheSpleen][@Aristo][@Savo][@KoL] [color=8493ca][i][b][center]Rainer[/center][/b][/i][/color] When Alex tried to move forward, he would ran into a wall. An invisible wall. [color=8493ca]"Not the sort of greeting one of my station would be receiving. You need more training."[/color] Rainer turned to face Alex, his feet back on the ground. Despite what he said, he seemed rather calm and collected. Who knows how like this may last. [color=8493ca]"Out of uniform, with no documents, nor an escort. Are you lost, boy?"[/color] Of course Rainer knew he wasn't. He wasn't even suppose to be here. A quick dive into Alex's mind and he was able to pick up most of his thoughts in the last ten minutes. Rainer knew the boy was here to steal treasure, that he had sneaked in through the gardens, and that his Tome allowed him to create solid platforms of condensed air. Thought Rainer did take the boy's advise to tighten security: stunts like this was a learning experience, but if it happens again it becomes a weakness. [color=8493ca]"Or perhaps... You'd hope to get a tour of the Citadel?"[/color] [@Flamelord] [color=a2d39c][i][b][center]Syn Kor[/center][/b][/i][/color] Before Cyrin could execute the third prisoner, who begged for his life, a lance intercepted his blade. [b]"The blood of the innocent shall not fall today!"[/b] It was the demon knight Eligos, who smashed his lance into the execution platform itself, causing it to collapse. Those who weren't dead were still alive, albeit a bit bruised. But more importantly, the chains around their feet were broken, allowing them to make a run for it. Syn, in her glamoured disguise, met with the Prisoners half way and threw cloaks over them bodies and fake hair on their head, to help disguise them as they made a break for the alley ways. Eligos made sure to distract Cyrin the best he can, attacking him relentlessly with swift thrusts and wide sweeps. Meanwhile at the towers Syn's imps did their job of lighting up the first one, and now they needed to take out the other four. That's when Jessi spotted one of the Imps, prompting them to make a run for it. Their small size helped them maneuver through the tight alleys of the city, even squeeze through cracks in the walls too large for a normal human, but their destination was obvious if Jessi could keep up. They were heading towards the second tower, and at the speed the imps were going they would arrive before the city guards could reach them. But Jessi could make it to the second tower himself, if he goes alone and quickly. [@Guilty Spark][@Awesomoman64]