Feeling a little more at ease, Tahillie stared at his station, which he noticed it was cluttered with wires and broken holograms; shaking his head a little. Looking around it, the Furtim leaned over to pick up his silver visor before he placed back on. It wasn't that he was afraid to show his eyes, it's just that he was used to the older model to hook him into Cyberspace. He glanced at the broken hologram that was basically broken to small bits and pieces, sighing hard as he pulled up a rather small chip that was embedded into his hand. "[color=1a7b30]Better than nothing. At lease I still have the information on the firewall and the virus on this little fella.[/color]" He said more to himself than to anyone. Inhaling deeply once more, he finally felt a little clearer than before as he noticed that he was alone in the ships cockpit. He shook his head once more before he started to stumble his way to the messy wired contraption that he called his room. However, there we're a few things that he needed to be checked, and that was the fourth hologram box that he broke in three days. He wasn't the greatest with putting things together, but he was rather great with taking things apart to take a further look at. He didn't know who to ask about this problem. "...eful with that if you touch it the wrong way it could cut your hand of." He heard someone say, though he never thought that an intruder would be on the ship. Just his luck, he needed the rest as his room was on the far side of the ship, closer to Reena's room. He stopped for a bit before turning around to back to the cockpit to get a few winks at his station, but also explore Canborus' cyberspace to see if there was a repair port or planet near by. Raymond would ask about that, probably after the interrogation with the new comer, and to his knowledge, they we're running low on fuel and resources.