**All Major Roles taken. If you still want to join, pm me and we can work something out. [h3]Roles[/h3] [b]Female Roles[/b] [b]TAKEN[/b]The Mayors Daughter (Related class: warrioress with a focus on swords and shield or one-handed weapons)for [b]Melo[/b] and [b]BlueAjah[/b] [b]TAKEN[/b]The Doctors Daughter(Related class: medic with a choice between healing magic or necromancer magic)for [b]boc[/b] [b]TAKEN[/b] The Thiefs Daughter(Related class: rogue/assassin) for [b]LadyTale[/b] [b]Male Roles[/b] [b]RESERVED[/b] The Rangers Son(Related class: rogue/archer) for [b]greywolf375[/b] [b]TAKEN[/b] The Bards Son (Related class: mage with a focus on nature magic) for [b]Kaithas[/b] [b]TAKEN[/b] The Blacksmiths Son (Related class: warrior with a focus on two-handed weapons or sword and shield) for [b]Savo[/b] [hider=The Plot] The setting is Medieval times. In a fantasy village set deep within a forest. This village is well known for its diverse community and world famous flower, the Ascythenia, which grows only there. Your character has come to live (or has lived there all their lives) in the village of Vale. It is here that they learn of a legend deeply rooted in the forests history- a legend of thread and flowers. In short the legend states that when the Ascythenia flower blooms on the house or at the door or by the bed of one individual- that an identical one will also bloom by their soulmate. It is also stated that an invisible thread will connect their hearts- pulling taut when they are near each other and thus clearly informing the soulmate that theirs is near. Now, wether your character believes this or not, they find that a flower has bloomed at their home- and they soon learn that an identical one has bloomed by the person they least expected! Will your character follow fate or refuse to believe such an old tale? Sub plot: tbd. Open to suggestions. I’m more leaning toward adventure atm. [/hider] [h1]The World[/h1] The village of Vale lies deep in the Angar forest, a vast woodland that stretches over the southern portion of the country of Erendira. It is in this village that the roleplay begins. [h3]The Village of Vale[/h3] [img]http://www.dragonling.com/village/dvillage.gif[/img] (Major landmarks) [b]Townhall[/b].(Center of town) The mayor works here. All manner of transactions go on here- lands and houses can be bought here. Licenses to hunt, farm, build, and vend can also be purchased here. [b]Tavern[/b]. (Eastern part of town) The tavern is frequented by all after a long day at work. It can house a hundred patrons and serve them all. The Bard has many working hands that assist her in its upkeep. [b]Blacksmiths Forge[/b]. (Northern part of town) The Blacksmith works here and forges magnificent weapons from its flames. [b]Rangers Hut[/b]. (Southern Entrance) Set apart from the village, of all the houses it looks the most part of the Angar. [b]Thieves Landing[/b]. (Outside of eastern part of town) The Thief lives here. It was once owned by a wealthy family but she bought it out. [b]Clinic[/b]. (Western part of town near school) A humble little clinic outfitted with all manner of natural and synthetic remedies. The Doctor lives right above it. [h3]Erendira[/h3] (in brief) The country of Erendira is set up as such- the south is filled with forests, the north is mountains and its center is all valley. In the Mountains the capital is housed- here the King rules from his royal seat. The Valley is home to cities of commerce, since a major road of trade runs through there. The southern forests are filled with bandits and anarchists- although havens like Vale do exist. [hider=Waiting List for Roles] Empty atm. [/hider] [hider=Parent Bios] [b]The Mayor[/b]: (Gareth Dawnfall) He is a cheerful and rotund fellow who is loved by all the village-folk. He has been Mayor for 23 years and no one sees an end to his governing. He comes from a long-line of warriors that founded Vale- but he turned in his shield when his daughter was born. Now he lives with his family near the center of town by the town hall- in a plush house framed by gardens of sunflowers. He is good friends with the Blacksmith, Doctor, and Ranger. [b]The Doctor[/b]: (Atlas ) Quite the grumpy fellow- he is the oldest of the parents- with snowy white hair and bushy gray eyebrows. He takes pride in his work and, quite honestly, is the best at what he does in all of the south. He moved to Vale when his daughter was young- from a city farther north called Gardenia. His family is rumored to have royal lineage- but the Doctor refuses to acknowledge these rumors- he prefers to live simply and humbly. He lives with his daughter near the school, just above the clinic that they run together. He is friends with the Mayor, the Bard, and the Ranger. [b]The Thief[/b]: (Marideth Farspire) A city rat exiled to Vale lest she get her hands cut off if she were caught by the law. The Thief is not ashamed of who she is- she steals to provide for her family and because it is all she knows. Unlike the other parents the Thief came from impoverished beginnings- she learned to do whatever it took to survive. She learned to cut purses and charm coats before she could read. The village folk do not know much about her- but it is rumored that she was once part of a group of assassins. The Thief is not poor in Vale- she lives off of a wealth she acquired on her last heist before being exiled. She lives on the outskirts of town. She is good friends with the Ranger and the Bard. [b]The Ranger[/b]: (Farrest ) The Ranger is a master hunter- his job is a mixture of bounty-hunter and botanist. His knowledge of the forest is supreme in Vale and he uses it to aid others. He often patrols the village boarders- making sure to take care of any beasts that stray too near and to keep an eye out for any other dangers. He assists the Doctor in acquiring the proper herbs for medicine. He also takes it upon himself to hunt game for those in need of it (mainly the poorer families and the elderly). His home lies near the southern entrance- although he barely stays there for long. He has a pet wolf-dog that is with him at all times. The Ranger is good friends with the Mayor, the Doctor, and the Thief. [b]The Bard[/b]: (Marion ) Like all traveling Bards she knows stories and songs about all parts of the world that the characters live in. Her enchanting voice soothes and inspires- and many of the village-folk enjoy to listen to her sing at the tavern she runs. She is lively and charismatic- a true charmer. The Bard lives in the tavern (located on the east end of town) with her son, which they both run together. The Bard is good friends with the Thief, the Doctor, and the Blacksmith. [b]The Blacksmith[/b]: (Leslie Lenssed) Most if not all of Vales weapons are forged at the Blacksmiths home. Her weapons are fine and dependable- made with a skill that is almost dwarven with its care. She is a loud and proud individual- who could out drink any man and probably beat them in any fight. She may be rough and rowdy- but there is nothing more important to her than her son- whom she often gets emotional over. They live in the northern part of town and their forge is frequented by rangers and Academymen. The Blacksmith is good friends with the Bard and the Mayor.[/hider] Rules 1. Guild rules apply. 2. I reserve the right to make more rules and deem the standards of such rules. 3. Take anything sexual to pm. 4. OOC fights are not tolerated. This also goes for disrespect toward your fellow role players. I will kick you out. 5. Swearing is ok- just don't be excessive. 6. Have fun, thats the whole reason why we're here. 7. If you're going to be gone, tell us. I'll gladly recap after your absence. (Make sure your character is disengaged from the others so the role play can run more smoothly). 8. I will be playing all NPCs and the World. 9. I reserve the right to pick the pairings based off of the characters personalities once the spots are filled. 10. Don't machine gun the IC. Let people get started and get into the rhythm of the role play. 11. All ideas are welcome- please contribute to make this rp fun not only for yourself but others. [h3]Cs[/h3] [hider=The Sheet] Role/Class Appearance (2 photos. One of them and one of their armor. Try and not use anime. Google armor concept art for your class.) Name(try and make them fantasy or at least rare)/Age(18-20)/Gender Personality(At least four positive personality traits and four negative personality traits. Sentences, please, do not list) Bio (try and fit your parents bio)(I don't want tragic backstories. Meaning no rape victims or dead parents and all that. Lets keep this role play light, okay?) Weapon Skills: (consider your role- the Rangers son will know more forest related skills, for example. Limits: 2 unique skills and 3 basic skills.) Other (use this section to list what you feel like everyone should know about your character that isn't stated above.) [/hider] [h2]Bestiary[/h2] [hider=Monster profiles][hider=Cobalt deer] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/63/38/2c6338ab5217b8410957d685ac6714e8.jpg[/img] These blue deer covet and collect flowers. They eat them and sometimes take on the color of their diet. The blue color is most predominant due to the most common flowers being blue. They are harmless- although they have the ability to imitate human speech and disorient wandering travelers. [hider=The Finvara flower] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs16/f/2007/127/2/d/Wallpaper_Request_by_Finvara.jpg[/img] These little blue flowers grow all over the Angar and are the Cobalt deers favorite food. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Dagger Wolves] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100506180539/finalfantasy/images/b/b4/Ffxii_wolf_genus.jpg[/img] Unlike their less pointy cousins- dagger wolves are differentiated by wether they have the distinct horn on their noses or not. Horned dagger wolves are male and they are the most aggressive. Dagger wolves, however, run female dominant packs. These packs range from 6 to 20 members.[/hider] [hider=The Feathered Bear] [img]http://bird-boy.com/wp-content/gallery/concept-art/half.jpg[/img] Revered by the Birds of Paradise as sacred battle mounts. The Feathered Bear's diet consists of fish and roots- but these gentle gustatory habits do not exempt them from hunting for sport. In fact an enraged Feathered Bear, also known as Angarian Bears, when enraged are the most fearsome of all the forest. They've been known to uproot trees over minor sound disturbances waking them from their sleep. Its unknown how exactly the birds of Paradise manage to tame them. The ornate designs on their tails and feathers denote rank of the the beast. Tamed Angarian bears hold religious significance- reportedly being descendants of a sun god revered by the Birds. [/hider] [hider=Birds of Paradise] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/160/9/c/bird_race_f_concept_by_luigiix-d52w3as.jpg[/img] A tribe of bird warriors that claim the treetops as their homes. The Birds of Paradise are an exceedingly intelligent species- recognized by the humans in Vale as equals. Their kind has lived in harmony with the humans since they arrived in the Angar. However the Birds refuse to mingle and interbreed with the humans. They follow a religion which is centered on their sun god Eo- a bear beast said to resemble the mounts that these warriors ride into battle. They specialize in both guerrila and blitz warfare. Speed and force are their go-to's in battle. Their feathers come in various colors- usually matched by the armor that they wear. An excerpt from the Rangers journal: [i]Aqtil leads the Birds of Paradise- he is the only one we've ever communicated with. He made a point to say that it was their choice to reveal themselves to us and make their presence known. Noted. We talked for hours at the edge of the Grove but I still feel like we know nothing about these creatures. Their speech is outdated- so I get the feeling they've contacted humans before but have not done so at regular intervals. I envy how close to the forest they are- they sleep swaddled in nests made of the sunwarmed treetop leaves. Their weapons are made of the Elderbark- a material so resilient it makes our steel look like charcoal. I'd love to trade with them- but my clothes seem to offend them. Or perhaps it's how I smell. We've been out searching for them for weeks now. And to think- they've been watching us this whole time.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Bone Ghouls] [img]http://www.gameguyz.com/sites/default/files/pictures_images/07.11.2012/1352274351.jpg[/img] The Bone ghoul is a black magic creature that lives off of the pacts that it makes with desperate individuals. They keep to the shadows and make their homes in caves or hollowed out trees. Bone ghouls adorn their bodies with the bones of those that they have made pacts with- this way the promise is remembered and their magic is able to be sustained. They usually conevene in caves and make sacrifices by fires- chanting and howling the night away. Other than their magic they often have toxic skin that- if touched, will corrode the victim. Their speech patterns are often jumbled in rhyme- no doubt to confuse or to annoy. Excerpt from the Rangers Journal: [i]We searched for days before we found sign of the baby. Agapetta, the mother, was distraught when we returned with nothing- said she would kill herself. But what could I bring her? What we found makes me sick to even put into words. The ghoul had.. eaten so much of the poor thing. It kept screeching about blood pacts and promises of firstborn sons when we were hunting it down. But what mother would promise their child to a fate like that.. We searched the things lair for any possible survivors- but what we found made most of my men wretch. Tova had to leave- she began to sob so loud. Skulls. The walls were lined with dozens of skulls. Some so small they could fit in my palm. The stench, too, was horrible- it smelled of sulfur and decay. Sleep won't find me for some time.. Not with what I've seen today.[/i][/hider] [hider=Academymen] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/etrian/images/b/b5/Soldier_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140126133057[/img] The Academymen are sent from the royal capital (think of them as templars or policemen) and they are the closest thing the town has to heavy offense- but they only follow royal orders and refuse to go above and beyond the call of duty. If the town isn't being pillaged then it isn't really their concern. [/hider] [hider=The Fanfox] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/018/b/f/fox_creature_concept_by_cazziart-d5qm5dy.jpg[/img] These critters eat dreams and are often kept as pets to those who suffer from nightmares. [/hider] [hider=Swamp lion] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/15/1280x880_4500_Dralion_3d_fantasy_monster_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] Gods forbid you encounter one of these on your own... Or at all for that matter. [/hider] [hider=Baboon] [img]http://www.opusartz.com/wp-content/uploads/creature2-e1316631793786-225x225.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Wraith] [img]http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/zodiac-monsters-fantasy-digital-art-damon-hellandbrand-6.jpg[/img] [/hider][/hider] [h3]Magic and Alchemy[/h3] -wip [h3] Folklore[/h3] -wip [h2] Current Events[/h2] Making and accepting characters. Coming Soon: Action sub-plot