[center][h3]Cave of Solitude - Ayano's Room 7/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] As Rui began rearing back to retreat, the doors behind him burst open, and with two familiar voices, Rui was glad to have support. Not to mention their thunderous entry seemed to stop whatever was blocking their communications with Megumi. He didn't even let her properly say anything, there was only one thing he needed right now. [color=slategray]"Scan it, now"[/color], [color=magenta][i]"R-r-right!"[/i][/color], with that, they need only buy a little bit of time before they could figure out how to take the spider down. As Akane taunted the shadow, Rui looked in disbelief as it actually worked. Though it appears the shadow had more tricks up it's sleeve. It fired a blast of web, but spread in a net at Akane, entrapping her before it would lower down above her and land right on top of her. The two hands where stingers should be were suddenly twin large metal blades as she readied to strike Akane... This didn't look like any regular attack, this looked like it was going to really hurt. Rui would spring into action and summon his Persona to hold the stingers for just a little bit more. This was their chance, but he couldn't hold it for very long. [color=slategray]"Take it down! Give it all you've got!"[/color], he ordered.