[hider= Thassalae] Role/Class: Doctor’s Daughter Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/01/e6/9b/01e69b529cef8bdaccd8dcbd4a719d29.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/90/ec/2090ecccbc84bac355181fe85ae1d647.jpg[/img] Name(try and make them fantasy or at least rare)/Age(18-20)/Gender Thassalae / 19 / Female Personality(At least four positive personality traits and four negative personality traits. Sentences, please, do not list) Thassalae is a quick-witted and sharp-tongued girl. She is disdainful of disorganization, tardiness and anything short of excellent appearances. While she is quick to lecture and correct, she is just as quick to forgive once she feels the issue has been corrected. She takes her work very seriously, and even though she is only her father’s assistant, she is often up late poring over manuscripts and medical books, seeking answers and better solutions. Thassalae is very serious in all matters, and practically obsessed with pleasing her father and doing excellent work. Although she is often accused of not knowing how to have fun, she is also very tender and loving. Over the years of helping in her father’s practice, Thassalae has developed an excellent bedside manner. She remains calm and diplomatic even in tense situations, and can be extremely resourceful. Bio (try and fit your parents bio)(I don't want tragic backstories. Meaning no rape victims or dead parents and all that. Lets keep this role play light, okay?) Thassalae’s intelligence and observational skills were fostered by her parents practically from birth. While she does not remember much of the town she lived in as a young child, what memories she has are happy ones of laughing with her parents in a house that was practically a mansion, compared to the cottage she now shares with her father. Thassalae’s mother also works as a healer, but for the last fourteen years, she has worked with a travelling emissary for the king. Therefore, she rarely lives with her husband and daughter. When she got the position, the family moved their residence to Vale, so that their time as a complete family could be uninterrupted by the hubbub of the city. While Thassalae excelled in school, she had few close friends, especially since she told off anyone who did something even remotely dangerous. However, she has been close friends with [[OK, I don’t want to impose friendship on anyone – would anyone like to volunteer to be my friend? If not, the bard’s son or an NPC? Sorry to leave this not filled out.]] since she first came to Vale. As her father has aged, Thassalae has worked harder to meet his high expectations and taken over more of the practice. While he can often have a bad attitude or act coldly towards people, she knows he is kindhearted. Since she first heard about the Ascythenia, Thassalae has checked her doorstep for one each day religiously, hoping one will bloom there one day…. Weapon Her tongue – uh, I mean, a short sword. However, she prefers to maintain a support role. Skills: (consider your role- the Rangers son will know more forest related skills, for example. Limits: 2 unique skills and 3 basic skills.) Unique – First aid. Thassalae has been studying to be a doctor for years, and is able to apply the techniques she has learned from her father in emergency situations. Over time, she can repair wounds more thoroughly. Buffing. In her studies, Thassalae was always fascinated by substances and methods to make a person less likely to become sick, or to make them stronger or immune to poisons. Therefore, she is also skilled at granting immunities and increasing the effectiveness of her allies. Basic – Diplomacy. Due to her experience in talking calmly to sick patients and diffusing uncomfortable situations, Thassalae is skilled in writing diplomatic letters and occasionally talking people down from making terrible decisions – when she doesn’t let her anger direct her speech. Sewing. Thassalae’s parents insisted that she learn homemaking skills even though they could always afford to pay someone to do the work instead. Other (use this section to list what you feel like everyone should know about your character that isn't stated above.) [/hider]