[hider=Sh'fay] Role/Class: Assassin-in-training Appearance: [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merlin1/images/f/fd/Katie_McGrath-65.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120723234558[/img] Armor: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/84/dc/5d/84dc5da2e9b04241835674eb40deea84.jpg[/img] Name: [color=00746b]Sh'fay[/color] Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Somewhat snarky and sarcastic with people she trusts. She'll only bother with tact if it's with someone she likes and/or respects; blunt to the point of rudeness with everyone else. Not given to prettying up harsh truths. If she doesn't like someone, she'll do her best to lead them in conversational circles. Competitive at times, takes pride in her abilities, never one to turn down a challenge she thinks she can win. Bio: As a result of her mother's profession, young Sh'fay's habit of stealing candy from other kids was encouraged; she only got in trouble if she was caught. As she grew, Sh'fay learned several less-than-legal abilities, such as picking locks and pockets. After she turned 15, her mother started teaching her in combat; the use of knives and dirty tactics, mainly. They had a pretty good life, stealing together and amassing a pretty penny. Then they had to settle down in Vale. It wasn't so bad, all things considered; Sh'fay missed certain aspects of life in the city, but life in a little town was... pleasant. Then she heard about the Ascythenia. Ever since then, she's wanted to go back to traveling; Sh'fay doesn't put any stock in the notion of soulmates, and she doesn't particularly want one. Besides, who would want a thief/assassin for a soulmate? Weapon: Several knives of varying sizes Skills: Unique - Stealth - Sh'fay can go unseen and unheard by pretty much everyone, if she does it right. Lock picking - given a bit of time and her tools, Sh'fay can open most locks. Basic - Manipulation - Sh'fay has a quick tongue that she puts to good use, to distract or manipulate others or just to amuse herself. It's also useful for haggling. Climbing - many kids have a phase of excessive tree-climbing; Sh'fay never grew out of hers. Eventually, tree-climbing transitioned to wall-climbing. Other: The rumors about Sh'fay's mother being an assassin at one point? [i]Absolutely correct.[/i] [/hider]