Alex had just thought he had gotten clear, only to slam face first into....nothing. He couldn't see anything, but it was definitely nothing. Almost like his Tome, except he would have known if he was using it. And that could only mean one thing, given the situation that he was in. '[i]Really,[/i] he grumbled to himself. [i]'How the hell did he figure it out so easily?[/i] Well, there was what he said, but that could have been explained away. And with the stupid invisible wall that was apparently the guys tome, he couldn't exactly make a break for it. He'd just have to hope that he could bluff his way out of this, before he ended up like those people who were scheduled to be executed outside. He did not want to share that fate. "Heh, yeah, you got me," he ceded with a chagrined look, rubbing the back of his head as he fell back on his usual efforts to slip out of situations like this. He would just have to bluff for his life and then look for an opportunity to make a break for it. He was sure that one would appear sooner or later. After all, everyone slipped up eventually, no matter how good they were. He glanced around then, indicating the impression that he wanted to get across while unaware of how useless it would actually be. "This place is pretty big, How do you find your way around in here without a map?"