Name: Jaylon (Jay) Loxias Age: 11 1/2 Appearance: rather tall for his age with features that show he is going to be rather good looking when he gets older. He has honey colored eyes and curly red hair that has streaks of lighter almost orange hair in it that seems to shine in the light. He has faint freckles on his face and his skin isn't too pale. For an almost 12 year old he is in pretty good shape, but that is hard to tell in his over sized winter wear his aunt buys him. Personality: he is extremely cheerful and open minded often preferring to really get to know someone before judging them. He tends to be quite when he first meets people, then becomes more talkative later on. However, if he is excited he tends to over talk. Of course, he has a rather short fuse when it comes to being or watching some one else be bullied. History: jay was born to an animagnus (mother) and a metamorphagus (father). His parents were loving and wonderful even though his father was a Slytherin and his mother was a gryffindor showing that no matter what house love can happen anywhere. Unfortunately, his parents died in a horrible accident when he was a baby. His uncle and his aunt both keep the details from him actually agreeing that he is too young to know just yet. Jay is fine with this preferring to not know. Fast forward and his father's brother(Slytherin) and his mother's sister (hufflepuff) get a dual custody where for half of the year (summer) he lives with his uncle and the other half his lives with his aunt and her husband. His uncle shows him the wizard world while his aunt shows him the muggle world since her husband is a muggle. Allowing him to see and appreciate both worlds and love them both. With him going to hogwarts this leads to his odd wardrobe where his summer weight clothing consists of grays whites and blacks that fit him well while his winter weight clothing is over sized and brightly colored. He hopes to be a gryffindor like his mother (much to the amusement of his aunt) and become a animagnus to honor both. Unlike both parents however, he wishes to be on a quidditch team. Blood Status: pure blood Wand: beech wood, Phoenix feather core, 10 inches Wand Image: [url=]Click me[/url] Pet: 2 foot long boa constrictor (black and white coloring) named Jewel Pet Image: [url=]Click me[/url]