[h3][color=plum]Laurel[/color][/h3] [hr] As Laurel compiled the finishing touches on her look for tonight's Welcome Ball. Without a doubt some of her families associates would be there as Alumni returned every year for the ball, including Laurel's mother and elder brother. That meant that Laurel could be nothing less than stunning otherwise her mother would have an absolute tantrum when she saw her. It would be polite and quite but there would be hell to pay later on. Public appearances were everything to her family's business. She had straightened her long nearly black hair until there was not even a hint of a wave in it and her [url=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/d836b840e42b49828aef928539555aed_zpsiiasgi8i.jpg]make up[/url] payed homage to her family's linage even if only slightly. She left her lips bare, putting only a bit of chapstick on her full lips after she'd put on her [url=http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f11/krosscowgirl/sexy-black-evening-dresses-backless-lace_zps4w21ao3x.jpg]dress[/url], a stunning backless piece that showed the tattoo on her back that was laced with magic and looked as if it was 3D and truly metallic. It truly looked as if you could cut your finger should you slide it down her back along the edge of the blade. The last addition to her outfit was a pair of dangling chandelier earrings, black like her dress and a pair of tall black heels that were plain as no one would ever see them tonight. Everyone would be in their finest wears tonight, socializing and making names for themselves. Laurel did one last quick once over before she called out to her roommate, Kiara or Kiki as she was often called. "[color=plum]Are you almost ready?[/color]" She questioned of the other girl as she stood nearly the door of their shared bathroom. Her mother had sent someone to get the both of them dresses, shoes and the works as they obviously would not be allowed to readily leave to go shopping. She'd bought only the finest as Laurel's mother was known to do, in fact she'd gone so far as to stitch together a dress fit for the Unseelie Queen herself for Kiara. She hoped the girl liked it and that the dress fit her well. Meanwhile.... [color=lightsteelblue][h3]Niall[/h3][/color] [hr] Niall mumbled quietly to himself about how trivial this would be, hopefully none of his raucous pack mates would show themselves at this damned ball. Moon forbid he have to discipline one of them in front of the entirety of the academy and show his true colors. His pack especially was known for being violent and short tempered and Niall was by far the best of the bunch. However, as heir he had no choice but to break down into the cruel fighter he could be when he had to if someone stepped out of line. His wolf growled at the thought of someone stepping on his toes in public. He brushed the wolf back a bit farther as he pulled the jacket of his tuxedo on and snapped the cufflinks. They were his pack's family crest and though he had shaved this morning there was already a thick coat of stubble all across his chin. "[color=lightsteelblue]Fuck 'em.[/color]" He growled as he ran his hand across it. After pulling on his dress shoes and not bothering to wait for his roommate whom he didn't know particularly well. His eyes alight with a predatory gleam he headed down to the ball room or what was really the auditorium which was by far the largest room at the academy. Of course when he arrived he was greeted by doormen who offered to take his coat though he declined, preferring to leave it on as a reminder to stay civil so that he didn't ruin the item. The auditorium had certainly be entirely redone either by magic or manual means. The floors were white marble where people danced slowly to the live band that played on the small stage and where the tables to sit and mingle were placed the floors were some kind of starkly dark wood. The tables were covered with brilliant scarlet clothes and black and white napkins. Everything was precisely in order as it should be in an academy as prestigious as Rosa Claire. Niall found himself heading for the small table filled with little finger foods that people always had at this kind of shin dig. There were little tiny sandwiches that were so small his wolf even chuckled a bit, causing him to make a rumbling bark of laughter at the sudden intrusion. His eyes which were generally a warm brown swirled with the yellow that was the identifying feature of his wolf as they both looked things over. He grabbed a tiny porcelain plate that was rimmed with something that looked suspiciously like silver though he was sure it was more likely titanium for safety sake he took a sniff and affirmed his assumption. He piled the little plate with those equally tiny sandwiches and a couple other foods that he couldn't name and he was sure his mother had taught him. Speaking of his mother he hoped that she didn't come with his father either. That would be just a definite walk in the park, if walking in the park involved getting scolded for not being the most menacing Lycan in the room, Niall's father was well feared far and wide across the globe.