Carter smirked at Asa's displeasure in the name of the doughnuts. He couldn't disagree with him though, the mundanes did have an odd way of naming things. Asa expressed that he wasn't hungry, and Carter nodded and looked at the merchandise once more. On the plus side, he'd have more money to spare. [b]"I never understood the excitement you have about colorful foods; in our short time up here, I've experienced that the most appealing foods have the least sustenance..."[/b] “You've got that right.” Carter replied, thinking about it more. It was true, and the colorful foods seemed to be more sweeter as well. Plus, they smelled really good... Carter mumbled a quick, “I'll be back” as he hurried in the coffee shop and ordered a doughnut. It had white frosting on it with colorful speckles. The cashier put it in a bag for him and he walked back out the store, noticing Rayn standing not so far away from the shop. He looked for Asa and was about to speak up, when he heard the doorbell from the shop and Jeff approached them. "Asa, Carter," Jeff spoke as he neared the two. "I see neither of you are starting any trouble this morning." [i]“Looks like the gang's all here.”[/i] He thought as he looked at Asa, Jeff, and Rayn in the distance. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed something like a bruise under Jeff's eye, but didn't ask, and instead took a bite of his doughnut. Carter peeked behind the two who were speaking amongst themselves and noticed Rayn still alone by herself. He stared at her for a bit, hoping she'd notice him through her sunglasses and waved for her to join them. He didn't know if she would, though, considering she was so reserved. Either way, he didn't want her to feel like she wasn't included.