[center] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130506011202/marvel_dc/images/8/8a/J'onn_J'onzz_028.jpg[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]"I am Mars' sole survivor. There is a reason for that."[/color][/b] -Martain Manhunter [/center] [color=39b54a][h3]| Identity |[/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]J'onn J'onzz/ Martian Manhunter[/color] A.K.A: [color=ed1c24]Bloodwynd[/color] [color=a0410d]Bronze Wraith[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Fernus[/color] [color=ed1c24][h3]| Origin & Backstory |[/h3][/color] [hider=Origin] [u][color=f7976a][b]Origin:[/b][/color][/u] Centuries ago on the planet Mars, the Green Martians known as M'yrnn and Sha'sheen gave birth to twin sons. The bearing of twins was uncommon among the Martian culture, and as such, the first of the twins was named J'onn J'onzz, whose name means "Light to the Light." J'onn's brother however, was born a mutant, bereft of a Martian's innate ability to communicate telepathically. He was named Ma'alefa'ak, whose named means "Darkness in the Heart." As an adult, J'onn became a Manhunter (police officer) and married a Martian woman named M'yri'ah. The two established a modest home for themselves beneath the windswept Martian plains and gave birth to a daughter named K'hym. Years passed, and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak grew to despise everything about Martian culture. In an ambitious endeavor to commit full-scale genocide against his own people, he engineered a contagious virus known as H'ronmeer's Curse. The virus reacted to telepathic energy, and carried from one Martian to the next whenever they elected to use their psionic powers. The plague responded to a Martian's innate fear of fire, causing them psychosomatic stress so intense, that their bodies and minds would literally burst into flame. J'onn desperately tried to keep his wife and daughter from using their mental gifts, but they were unable and so, contracted the plague. K'hym was the first to experience the symptoms, and M'yri'ah followed soon after. J'onn was anguished as he watched his family burning to death before his very eyes. The trauma of the event shattered his psyche, and nearly drove him mad. He put himself to sleep and dived deep into his own fabricated reality. [/hider] [hider=2008] [u][color=f7976a][b]2008:[/b][/color][/u] On Earth, a would-be scientist named Dr. Saul Erdel developed a transmitter machine based upon ancient Martian technology. Seeking to make contact with extraterrestrial life, he aimed his device towards Mars and activated it. The transmitter beam streaked across both space and time, striking the Martian Manhunter at a point in time several centuries before Erdel would even be born. The beam brought J'onn back to Erdel's natural time era, where he collapsed on the ground outside of the doctor's Colorado laboratory. Erdel brought the distraught Martian inside and attempted to nurse him back to health. The anguish of J'onn's mental state created a psychic bond between the two, and Erdel became aware of the events that took place on Mars. In an effort to heal J'onn's mind, Erdel used the mental link to create a new history for the Martian. He created a back-story inspired by the writings of famous science fiction novelists such as Ray Bradbury and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Eventually, J'onn's sanity was restored. Erdel died when he saw J'onn use his powers for the first time from a heart attack. Erdel put the idea into his head that he should become a great champion, and thus J'onn adopted the heroic guise of the Martian Manhunter. [/hider] [hider=2009] [color=f7976a][u][b]2009:[/b][/u][/color] In his first year as a hero, he took on the crime cartel VULTURE. VULTURE (not an acronym) was a vast international crime cartel that was infiltrated, thwarted and eventually completely destroyed by J'onn. Their secretive leader utilized a number of different aliases including: Mister Vulture, Mister V, and Faceless (a.k.a. Marco Xavier). Shortly after retiring his John Jones persona, J'onn came into conflict with cartel operatives when he traveled to the French Riviera. While in the Riviera, he investigated Marco Xavier, an international playboy with supposed links to organized crime. He used his shape-shifting powers to follow Xavier as he left his villa in a high-powered sports car. He died by driving off a cliff and J'onn came took over his identity. The disguised "Marco Xavier" was taken to his villa to recover. Slowly but surely, using his disguise as Marco Xavier, the Martian Manhunter worked his way up through the cartel, while maintaining the original Marco's role as an outside contractor uninterested in joining VULTURE. Eventually, J'onn managed to bring the organization down while working on the inside. [/hider] [hider=2010] [color=f7976a][u][b]2010:[/b][/u][/color] J'onn entered into a agreement with the villain Scorch. It was to help conquer his fear of fire, she wants J'onzz' telepathic help in dealing with her own mental issues. While he tried to conquer his fear he reverted into an ancient creature and fought against the League. He took on the alias Fernus. Fernus increases the strength of the powers he inherits from J'onn: For example, he can phase other beings rather than just himself, and he has access to pyrokinesis. He can breathe fire of such intensity that it harms Scorch, and put her into a coma, who had previously been thought immune to damage from fire. Fernus' tremendous strength also allows him to dominate the Justice League in combat even without his Martian telepathic powers. He can also heal himself from almost total destruction within seconds. The league finally defeated him and J'onn came back to his normal self. In the end he was defeated by Plastic Man and come back to his senses. Scorch ended up in a coma, and J'onn fell in love with her after all that had happened. seconds. [/hider] [hider=2013] [u][b][color=f7976a]2013:[/color][/b][/u] Rott sucked Bloodwynd into the Blood Gem and mind controlled Martian Manhunter into wearing Bloodwynd's Blood Gem and impersonating him. Using Bloodwynd's identity, The Manhunter joined the JLI as one of their more mysterious members. He was not freed until an incident with Superman and fire which separated J'onn from the gem and freed Bloodwynd. [/hider] [hider=2015] [color=f7976a][u][b]2015:[/b][/u][/color] At the end of the year, J'onn and the league face off against Doomsday, which ends in the death of Superman. [/hider] [color=39b54a][h3]| Attributes |[/h3][/color] [hider=Martian Physiology] [u][b][color=a2d39c]Martian Physiology:[/color][/b][/u] Martian Manhunter has been described as "the Swiss Army knife of superheroes." Many, if not all of the Martian Manhunter's powers and abilities are common to members of his race. His powers come from his alien physiology. Born of Mars over a millennium ago, from a super advanced civilization, boasting advanced technology and genetic modifications over its people, the Martian Manhunter would appear to be a genetically modified being with incredible powers stemming from the changes made in his body. The Martian's physiology would seem to be composed of a complex molecular chain that resembles polymer bonds but with the ability to be altered at will. The Martian Manhunter can change his mass, color, relative shape, imitating even clothing if desired. The bio-polymer is extremely flexible, durable, incredibly strong for a biological material and apparently self-sustaining. It is unknown if the Martian Manhunter actually needs to eat or not but he has been seen consuming food, particularly "Chocos," a brand of cookies. [i][color=a2d39c]Shape-Shifting, Malleability, Plasticity, Elongation:[/color][/i] The most incredible of the powers of the Manhunter is the ability to shape-shift. He is able to literally control the molecular structure of his body's bio-polymer and make it resemble anything he wants. He can form clothing and weapons with non-moving or non-functioning parts. There does not seem to be any limit to the number of people the Manhunter can imitate. His ability to imitate people and their mannerisms has stood him in good stead for his disguises. He is also able to change colors. [i][color=a2d39c]Invisibility:[/color][/i]The Manhunter can cause the bio-polymers in his body to lose their ability to reflect light, rendering the Manhunter invisible to normal light and human sight. With more increased concentration, he can render himself completely invisible along the electromagnetic spectrum, including the infrared and the ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum. This invisibility does not affect every other sense and he could still be detected by touch. [i][color=a2d39c]Phasing:[/color][/i] The Manhunter can phase through solid matter. [i][color=a2d39c]Superhuman Durability:[/color][/i] The bio-morphic structure of the Manhunter's body allows him to absorb almost all kinetic energies such as high caliber-bullets, shrapnel, or flying debris easily. He can harden his bio-polymers by rebinding them and increase his durability. Along with his slight invulnerability, his shape shifting makes him even more difficult to harm. Hazardous environments practically do not affect the Martian Manhunter. [i][color=a2d39c]Superhuman Strength:[/color][/i] The Martian Manhunter is one of the strongest beings on the planet. The Martian's superhuman strength comes from his plasmorphic structure formed from immensely long and complex molecular chains, augmented with his psionic and telekinetic abilities allowing him to lift incredible weights without these weights crumbling under the stress. By modifying the density of these bio-polymers, the Manhunter can make himself stronger by forcing the polymers into tighter bundles. [i][color=a2d39c]Superhuman Stamina:[/color][/i] J'onn's endurance is just as formidable as his strength. He can operate under extreme conditions for an indeterminate period of time without showing signs of fatigue. Unless fire is involved, which is one of the only things that can weaken his needed focus. Regeneration: The Martian Manhunter has shown amazing regenerative abilities. His regenerative abilities are so great that he has been able to completely regenerate from nothing but his severed hand,[16] regenerate in moments from nothing than a puddle of green liquid and other moments, having his head cut off, and he has shown total control over his molecular structure. [i][color=a2d39c]Flight:[/color][/i] The Martian Manhunter flies by manipulation of gravitons, manipulation of magnetic fields and control of his absolute molecular movement. These combine to give him the ability to fly great distances with little fatigue and at great speed. The Manhunter has also been seen flying in space with no difficulty, and in space he can fly at speeds that has allowed him to keep up with the likes of even Superman. [i][color=a2d39c]Superhuman Speed:[/color][/i] Through flight and reflexes, the Martian Manhunter can maintain speed far in excess to that of even most superhumans. Like the power of flight, this is accomplished by manipulating the magnetic fields of energy surrounding his body, as well as ambient gravitational particles. Traditionally, J'onn only uses his superhuman speed while flying. He has admitted that he is not as fast as Superman. He can process thoughts, move, and react at super speed. J'onn has also demonstrated that he is fast enough to comfortably catch bullets and other propelled projectiles. [/hider] [hider=Martian Visison] [color=a2d39c][u][b]Martian Vision:[/b][/u][/color] It has been seen to be a bolt of force, directed by the Manhunter's eyes causing considerable damage It has also been seen to cause flammable objects to catch fire. It also grants J'onn the ability to see into other spectrums of light. [i][color=a2d39c]X-Ray Vision[/color][/i] [i][color=a2d39c]Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision[/color][/i] [i][color=a2d39c]Heat Vision[/color][/i] [/hider] [hider=Telepathy] [color=a2d39c][u][b]Telepathy:[/b][/u][/color] The Martian Manhunter is the most powerful telepath on the planet. He is able to read the mind of any human with no difficulties, and the only minds that can cause him trouble are insane minds. He can even read their subconscious mind as well. He can scan the mind of every person on Earth within a matter of moments. He can read a mind over great distances. This telepathy extends to distances as far away as the moon, since it is known that the Martian Manhunter can communicate with Earth with his telepathy. [i][color=a2d39c]Illusions[/color][/i] [i][color=a2d39c]Astral Projection[/color][/i] [i][color=a2d39c]Mind Control:[/color][/i] The Martian Manhunter can also control other beings mind's. Insane minds seem to be the only minds he has some trouble controlling. [i][color=a2d39c]Telepathic Relay:[/color][/i] Other wise known as a telepathic link. Manhunter is able to use his telepathic prowess as a relay station for a group of minds, who can then "speak" to each other through him. This relaying ability seems to be limited to the same range as the Manhunters normal telepathic range. [i][color=a2d39c]Telepathic Assault:[/color][/i] The Martian Manhunter can also use his telepathic abilities in an offensive manner. He has the ability to cause mental shutdown in a target using his mental powers. The Manhunter does not use this power often due to the invasive nature and harshness of such a telepathic attack. [i][color=a2d39c]Thought Sensing:[/color][/i] The Manhunter can use the mental signature of a being to track it and can detect lifeforms by their empathic as well as telepathic signatures. He can detect whether a being is intelligent and can communicate. [i][color=a2d39c]Telekinesis:[/color][/i]J'onn possesses the ability to move objects with his mind, which he described as ""molecular hypnosis" and "Martian mind-over-matter" [/hider] [color=ed1c24][h3]| Character Notes |[/h3][/color] [hider=Allies] [b][u][color=a187be]Allies:[/color][/u][/b] [i][color=a187be]M'gann M'orzz[/color][/i]-The origin others know: there are two different races of Martians, distinguished by their differing world-views. The Green Martians are peaceful philosophers, while the White Martians are vicious warriors. When the White Martians began massacring their Green cousins, M'gann's parents sent her on a rocket to the Vega system to escape the civil war. M'gann learned that another Green Martian refugee, J'onn J'onzz, had escaped the White Martian tyranny, establishing himself on Earth, and came to Earth herself. Whatever her origins might be, M'gann eventually came to Earth along with her parents. Details of this period are sketchy, but it is known that M'gann's parents, along with dozens of other White Martians, were captured by the United States government, many of whom, including M'gann's parents were subsequently executed. After separating from her parents, M'gann adopted two new names during her time on this world: "Megan Morse", the English transliteration of her Martian name, and "Miss Martian", her chosen superhero identity. [i][color=a187be]Aubrey Sparks (Scorch)[/color][/i]- Scorch enlisted the aid of the Martian Manhunter in trying to make sense of her confused memories. Scorch offered to help the Manhunter learn to overcome his weakness to fire, and ultimately fell in love with him. In the process, she inadvertently released the personality of "Fernus" that had been hidden inside the Manhunter for his entire life. Later it is revealed that several millennia ago, the Oans had transformed the Martians from the "Burning Martian" form into the current one. That was done to stop them from incinerating entire worlds as part of their reproductive cycle, but J'onn breaking the psychological block that made him vulnerable to fire also broke the block on his genetic memories of the Burning. Now free, Fernus attempted to have Scorch destroy an unnamed village for this purpose but her reluctance saw him changing his plans to setting the earth ablaze with the aid of the entire world's nuclear arsenals. After that plan was foiled by the JLA, he then set a city afire to provide him with the energy needed to reproduce. While the JLA engaged him, Scorch attempted to draw all of the flames from the city into herself. Fernus defeats the JLA and attacks Scorch sending her into a coma, and releasing the flames she had absorbed back into the city. Fernus was ultimately defeated, but despite medical treatment, Scorch was not expected to recover from her coma. Scorch would later be roused from her coma (apparently by Despero) and was led to believe that the JLA was a great threat. She teamed up with villains Effigy, Plasmus, and Heat Wave, and caused a brushfire in the western United States in order to lure Superman to there and kill him. However, Scorch realized she had made an error and helped Superman stop the fire and subdue her former accomplices. Now she lives under house arrest. [/hider] [hider=Enemies] [color=a187be][u][b]Enemies:[/b][/u][/color] [i]Despero[/i]-W.I.P [i]Kanto[/i]-W.I.P [i]Ma'alefa'ak[/i]-W.I.P [i]White Martians[/i]-W.I.P [/hider] [color=39b54a][h3]| Character Goals |[/h3][/color] I would like for J'onn to take a more active role. He really is benched all the time to the Watch Tower so that he can play the 'all seeing eye' but with Superman gone I feel like each and every hero is gonna be needed to help with the impending epidemic. Also would like to help develop a greater character for J'onn without ruining who he already is, I just think he needs to be better represented than the deep voice at the back of the room. [color=ed1c24][h3]| Sample Post |[/h3][/color] [hider=Post] [b][u][color=f7976a]The Heist and the Normal Man[/color][/u][/b] What many people did not know about J'onn was that he has been a detective in many different cities in many different lives. He choose a detective because it would give him a chance to blend in and be as normal as possible while staying close to the villainous action when necessary. Ever since he came to Earth he has tried to fit in among the humans as good as possible so he would not cause any disturbances in his new home. So here he sat, at his desk in the 5th Precinct of the MPD. He was in Metropolis currently and was posing with a different face this time, a more heavy set man with no head hair and a thick mustache, the stereotypical doughnut eating cop. J'onn was scanning the city telepathically for any disturbances in the psychokinetic atmosphere of the city. He would get the spike in negative emotions every once in a while but J'onn had learned that humans, like many animals, when pent up in a metal cage (like the giant urban city that is Metropolis) are going to have moments of anger. But one thing did catch his attention, a mass of negative thoughts and emotions. This mass was moving at a high speed on the way to the outskirts of the city. J'onn stood up and walked out through the back of the Precinct, where he pinpointed one mind in the mass and took off into the sky. He had shifted back into his 'green' attire and was flying at a fast pace to catch up with the armored truck. Once he did, the truck was on a freeway, J'onn could tell there were four men inside; however, only three of them really wanted to be there. J'onn had discovered the human mind to be a strange thing, against all morals and barriers but up it would do what was necessary to survive, and that was exactly what the driver was doing. J'onn was now flying above the truck and could read their minds with ease. Jeff, the driver, was only helping out to get some money for his family. So J'onn would play that card to his advantage. [i]Jeff, my name is the Martian Manhunter and I am here to help. Now I need you to pull the truck over, only because your wife and kids do not need you in jail. So pull over and run home.[/i] He said in a deep voice inside of Jeff's head. And no sooner the truck slowed down to the right of the freeway and Jeff could be seen running from the front seat of the van. J'onn landed in the back and used his telekinesis to open the back doors, revealing three men in black. The moment they stepped off the truck J'onn attacked. He extended his arm and strack the man in the middle then swung and hit the one on the right and lastly he brought his extended arm down on the man on the left, causing the last criminal to knock-out. J'onn used his telepathy to make sure the robbers did not wake up until they heard police sirens and lifted the truck with his telekinesis and flew it back to the bank. After the entire fiasco was over he returned to the Precinct and sat as his desk in his 'normal' look scanning the city again. During his look he found Jeff had made it home and told his wife what happened. This is another example as to the reason he even cares about humanity, because there is still hope. [/hider] Ok I'm all done. [@HenryJonesJr]