[center] [img] http://silvertm.ru/wip/priject1/025a.jpg [/img] [/center] “The actual fuck is that?!” Nathan’s eyes darted over to McTavish, as the Super Mutant began smashing his sledge into the ground. Clutching his wife tightly, the bearded man looked frantically between the emerging figures, and the Ghoul who was walking towards him. Duela sighed inwardly, but did her best to remain friendly and composed. “We want to help,” she assured the pair “but first we need to know what’s happening here.” “Slavers happened,” Harriet spat, her features awash with disdain “Danette’s Bunch, specifically.” Duela’s heart sank. Danette and her slavers were infamously savage and sadistic, as well as armed. “There’s fuck all we can do,” Nathan grumbled “That ‘lil tin fortresses of ‘ers is locked down tighter than a nun’s cunt.” “There might be something we could do…” Duela pondered aloud, choosing her words carefully “Provided we could make it to the Brook.” “Why should we go anywhere with you?” Nathan snarled “We don't even know who-” It was then that his wife stepped boldly forwards, freeing herself from her husband’s embrace. “Maybe we’re stupid for trusting you,” she said calmly “but we want our son back, and right now you’re the best bet we have.” Duela’s withered lips curved into a smile, flashing rows of rot-riddled teeth. “I’m not asking for your trust; only your co-operation.” She reasoned. “I guess we can give you that.” Nathan said after a long pause. Duela spun on her heel, calling back at McTavish. “Figure out what our new friend wants,” she said, in reference to the wandering Ghoul “then either bring him along for the ride or send him on his way.” [center] [b]*[/b] [/center] The journey to the Brook took the best part of the day, as the group paded carefully down the rusted railway tracks which ran between Oking and the Slaver Haven. It was almost midnight by the time Duela pulled herself up onto the train platform, beneath a blanket of darkness. The old station was relatively intact, and a few squat buildings of dirty orange brick and brown shingling sat on either side of the platform. Duela led the group quietly through the abandoned ticket offices, and out into the grey asphalt roads beyond. Sickly and withered trees dotted the landscape, their twisted grey branches curving into leafless hooks. “What now then?” Nathan grunted, as him and his wife came stomping up behind her. “Danette’s bunch have a camp on the other side of the forest,” Harriet extended her hand out in front of her “beyond the trees and in this quaint little town. Its fortified to high hell.” Duela placed one hand on her chin, deep in thought. Playing out the different scenarios in her head, she turned back to address the group, keeping her voice quiet yet audible, so as not to attract unwanted attention. “The way I see it, we can play this several ways; We go in with swords drawn. Chances are only a few of us make it out, if that. We -could- use the darkness to our advantage, and try to sneak our way in. On the other hand, a crew this big are bound to have some smaller settlements lying around. We could pick one of them off, steal their gear, and go in disguised.” She paused, letting her the other process her words. “What are we all thinking? I’m putting it to a vote.”