[b]Sasha's location: library[/b] Sasha had experienced many lifetimes' worth of experience during her time on Earth as a goddess, but she had never experienced - nor heard anyone recount - the public school bell system. In fact, she hardly knew what classes were - everything she knew she was taught by her Olympian family and the humans she came across in the world. She had never attended or heard someone talk about attending a school and so it was not in her vast memory banks. So, when the Academy's bell began ringing, she assumed it was some kind of alarm. But for what? Confused, she got up from her seat in the library and walked outside into the hall. She expected pandemonium and was greeted with students casually and even reluctantly walking through the halls, all in the same direction. Now even more confused, Sasha joined the flow of students until she eventually sidestepped into a room, hoping to find out a little more about what was going on. The room that she saw had a large group of students sitting at desks and a woman just sitting down at her own desk that faced the others. Sasha glanced at the chalkboard and saw a simple instruction on it: "Write a paper about yourselves". This didn't help and Sasha noticed at that point that basically the entire group of students was staring at her. Whether it was because she was out of place or because she was a goddess she wasn't sure, but she deduced that the woman in the front that was now staring at her as well was the teacher, and decided to ask her for help. She walked up to her and began, instinctively speaking quietly. "I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but I really have no idea what I'm doing. I've never been to a school before and I'm not exactly sure where I'm supposed to be." The teacher had had a frustrated look at first, but after Sasha spoke to her her face changed to a gentler one. "Don't worry, that's normal here," the teacher responded. She looked down at a piece of paper that had a roster of students not just in her class but in the entire Academy. "What's your name?" she asked. "Sasha Irani," Sasha responded. The teacher thumbed through a few pages and then stopped, looking back up at Sasha. "The Goddess of Memory, is that you?" "It is," Sasha responded simply. "Well, my records show that you should be in biology class right now. Does that help?" the teacher responded. Sasha thought for a moment. "Not really," Sasha replied. "I know what biology is but I don't know what 'class' is." The teacher smiled. "As a student your job is to learn. You learn things by going to class, which is where you sit in a room such as this one and a teacher such as myself lectures you on a specific subject. This is an English class, so I will be teaching these students English. Your biology class will teach you about biology," the teacher explained. Sasha looked confused. "Is something wrong?" asked the teacher. "No, everything's fine...it's just, everyone here seems to be already fully competent in English. What needs to be taught?" responded Sasha. "Well, things like how to write well, how to use grammar correctly, or how to discuss literature," the teacher responded. "I thought that was basic knowledge though," said Sasha. The teacher chuckled a little. "Remember Miss Sasha, not everyone is a goddess or has the memory that you have," the teacher responded. "Now, you should probably get to your biology class now. It's in room E302. Can you find that?" Sasha paused. Room E302 was the room she appeared in when she first arrived at the Academy. "I think so," she responded, smiling. "Thank you for your help, miss." And with that, she turned and left. She quickly found room E302 and walked in. The teacher was still taking attendance and welcomed Sasha in, who tentatively sat down at the nearest available desk in the front row. Conveniently, Sasha's name was called almost immediately after she sat down. "Sasha Irani?" the teacher called. "That's me," Sasha replied, and the teacher nodded back at her and checked her name in the roster. Sasha relaxed a little as other names were called. Students were still trickling in and Sasha wondered if anyone she had met so far would be in the class. [b]Sasha's updated location: Room E302 (biology)[/b]