[quote=@Caits] Cassandra leaned back slightly, thinking. She shifted, feeling like she was nothing but a child compared to Alec. [color=f6989d]"I don't know whether you're luckier then I. I never knew.'not until a little while ago."[/color] she said, biting into her sandwich. [color=f6989d]"but I figure what is, is. I can't change who I am, but I'll be damn sure I won't let what I am change me. You shouldn't either. We just...need to learn control"[/color] she said, thinking on that, wondering if it was possible, but knowing she would try to make it so. [color=f6989d]"still, today hasn't been worse then the first day of elementary school!"[/color] Cassandra let out a genuine laugh[@makarov] [/quote] Alec nodded softly, his eyes were a bright crystal blue, "[color=00aeef]I've only ever used it on my own once...i was 7...my cat was about to be run over by a car...and i willed the Frost to stop the truck...[/color]" Alec looked at her and nibbled his Sub softly, "[color=00aeef]Ice exploded from the ground and speared the truck straight up through the engine...I saved Mittens that day...But I've never been able to do it again...only when I'm afraid.[/color]" He smiled when she laughed, and it was then he realized just how beautiful she was and he started to blush a bit, "[color=00aeef]You have...a beautiful laugh...[/color]"