William was still rather annoyed from the happenings of earlier, not only was he quite gravely frustrated at his own inability to notice the instability of the brick work resulting in his detection but he was rather dismayed at the apparent hatred he had garnered from this group of...people. He had no idea what the hell the larger one among them was, though William suspected it to be some manner of radiation-blasted mutation of a human though nothing similar to himself as he appeared grossly over muscled and highly aggressive towards everyhing. Either way, William was on edge internally and knew all too well that these people could likely shift into some form of violence if he showed himself to be either feral or dangerous to them in any way. He opted to try to appear as civillised and sentient as he damn well could do. Travelling with them had proved to be a matter of simply staying silent and hoping that the mutant-thing didn't come too close to him. He noted that he, or whatever it was, seemed to be much more the sort leaning towards brute force rather than diplomacy. William had reasoned that it would pay off to go with these people, even if they were seemingly hostile to him initially...they couldn't be worse than his forays into the Lancaster wastes... Wrapping his tattered up coat about himself, William had checked and rechecked that nothing had loosened itself from his possession. Fortunately, everything remained including his meager medical equipment. He hadn't noticed much change during nightfall, ghoul senses being what they were, and he garnered that he could likely barter his skill with scalpel and medpack in exchange for not getting stabbed or otherwise maimed by these people and their mutant. "Now then... we, appear to not be killing eachother. Which is good, may I add. However, if I may offer the fact that I am a man of medicine? That may be of assistance to you?" He began well, but he detected some slight amount of doubt in his tone. "Perhaps that may be used to...sway you towards preferably not removing any bits and pieces?" He tried to maintain a clearer and understandable voice, which remained quite easy considering necrosis had yet to tamper so much with his vocal cords. Difficulty arose more from his accent, as he spoke with a relatively thick North Yorkshire accent, maybe these southeners would understand.