[center][hider=Virgil/C-1][img]http://www.lightninggamingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Batman-Arkham-Origins-Exclusive-Killer-Croc-Deathstroke-Concept-Art-1.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Animal half[/b] Saltwater Crocodile [b]Appearance[/b] A massive mountain of flesh laid down on a frame of steel, Virgil takes much from his animal half. Standing just over 7 feet tall and 350 lbs, everything about him would scream apex predator if he didn't make himself seem smaller than he really is, slouching until he's about 6'6 in height. Its a little difficult to tell through his scales but his body is absolutely covered in scars, bullets, knives, bites, and an arrow head lost somewhere in there. [b]Personality[/b] At first glance you would be forgiven to dismiss Virgil as a lazy brute, lounging about and having difficulty fallowing rudimentary instructions. In all truthfulness you'd be mostly right, but to write him off as an idiot would be a grave mistake. Virgil is infinitely patient and much more in tune with the lizard side of the brain most people like to believe isn't there. Prone to violent outbursts at the flip of a switch, and while it's not outright known what exactly will trigger these personnel have narrowed down some factors. The first and most easily to predict is how soon he's been fed, a full Virgil is a docile Virgil. The next is the time between his last class and the complexity of the lesson. Finally there is the most unpredictable factor, how motivated Virgil feels that day. An alert Virgil is bound to cause some form of trouble. In all, if his needs are met, Virgil is little more than massive lazy cat who would rather spend the day sleeping than anything else. [b]Animal talents/aspects[/b] -Strength, able to outshine almost any Demi he's paired against in pure strength -Croc Jaws, amazing bite force, lackluster opening power -Thick Skin, literally and figuratively, Virgil can shrug off small arms fire if it's aimed at his back. His abdominal area and upper chest aren't as tough but he won't feel much pain either way -Diver, with his modified respiratory system Virgil can hold his breath for a great deal of time but he can't swim very fast -Speed Burst, while he prefers to lumber around slowly Virgil can sprint startlingly fast in short burst and as long as he goes in a straight line, maneuverability isn't his strong suit [b]Other[/b] Up until very recently no one knew that Virgil existed, having been the subject of a home birth in the middle of the Louisiana bayou. At an unknown time both parents either died or abandoned Virgil, most likely around his twelfth year. This and his lack of education has left him illiterate and near feral by the time he was found. Virgil's mother lost a leg from a saltwater crocodile attack while on vacation in Australia, hence the home birth. The companion assigned to Virgil is a relatively small salty that staff have called "Chum", the pair don't interact much besides lounging together and occasionally wrestling for food. Because of his track record Virgil is equipped with a sedative collar which will dump powerful sedatives directly into his jugular if he acts up. [/center]