[quote=@Keyguyperson] [@Jotunn Draugr] I'm entirely fine with this positioning, because as Japan, I need a China to fight. Also, the mention of the whole Beijing thing brings up a question I've had in my mind for some time now. Namely, did the Mongols exist? There would have to be some kind of entity that facilitated large-scale trade across Eurasia, because otherwise things would be really strange. EDIT: If you want, I can easily give up Beijing and keep the Empire a bit closer to the actual borders it had in, you know, 1939. I won't give up Liaoning though, because I really really like the idea of having a port in Lüshunkou District. [/quote] Awesome! And no, you're quite welcome to keep Beijing and Liaoning. I like the dynamic of having a capital city to retake. Although I'd quite like Taiwan if that's alright. I'm familiar with the Taiwanese, and would love to incorporate them into the story. I suppose a version of the Mongols would have had to exist in some form, to help tie us to the West. What if we mix up the eras a bit, and make it so we're both claimants (Khanates, but let's call them Jinguo's), fighting for the totality of our dead Emperor's (Genghis Khan, but let's call him Taisho Jin) empire. Depends on where you wanna go with your country's story. Do you have a name/origin for your country yet? [quote=@duck55223] [@Jottun Draugr] I have two major problems with this. - They extremely heavy use of real world names. This is a Psuedo-Earth, and despite the fact that in the OOC I mentioned the names of a few of our Psuedo-places, you seemed to have used their IRL names. I am going to have to require you to change these. -Having such massive industrialization already. Not entirely against having some, but it needs to be small and limited factories. Otherwise, if I allow you to have the same level of industrialization as other powers, you will already be outproducing everyone and be far ahead of everyone economically to make their manufacturing irrelevant. Edit: I fucked up and misspelled your name. [/quote] Haha, no problem with the names. The names are largely placeholder. I figured I could wait till Japan was renamed, and our relationship was finalized. Edit: For example, wherever you see "China", substitute it for "Great Han". Wherever you see "Shanghai", substitute it for "Diarjing". Wherever you see "Beijing", substitute it for "Wodejing". I've already substituted the names on the Character page. As for the industrialization, here's my case. I didn't mention any mechs, tanks, vehicles, or aircraft. The model I'm going off of is that coal has been around for OVER A HUNDRED YEARS (1710-1860). In real life, steamboats have been crossing oceans since 1813. Fifty years ago! Oliver Twist was working in a factory (then common already) in the 1830's. Thirty years ago! Britain began industrializing WITHOUT Blue Coal around 1830, again 30 years ago. The reason I chose to focus so heavily on coal-fired industry, was because I thought it would be a cool dynamic to have a land power with NO aircraft at any point. How can a land power match airships, if it doesn't have a little head start in productiveness? I'm not talking about big machines of any kind, or anything overly advanced. I'm just talking scale, as in, there are a LOT of Chinese people, meaning a lot of cheap/slave labour to put in newly built factories. Labour that still mines coal by hand, and shovels it into furnaces by hand. The image I'm painting of blackened skies is largely fueled by open-air coal fires that are fueled by hand. Peasants use it for heating as much as anything else. That's me trying to clarify, if there's still any problems, let me know. If there's something specific that conflicts with the narrative (like iron-plated ships or something), I can change that without a problem. What exact level of technology are you expecting this to begin at? Do cars exist yet?