The room where silent, so silent you could hear the people moving down in the lobby, candles where the only light source right now casting it's dancing shadows on the fall and the figure who sat hunched on the bed. Joar had prepared for this event the whole day but still did not feel ready for it. He had never been much for big social gatherings and by the look of the buildings and ornaments there would be some pretty rich and ambitious people attending this welcome ball. He smiled slightly and reached for the suit jacket on the bed and putting it on. It was tailored in such away that he actually looked slightly bigger then he was. On the bed the tie lay in a heap, he had tried several times tying it but it always ended up looking really strange or it felt like it was strangling him. With a deep sigh he took a last look in the mirror in the room, adjusted the collar of the shirt and tried a smile. It didn't feel completely wrong but still he felt and thought that he must look kinda out of place. Oh well he had made an effort washing and combing his hair but still it looked just as unruly as ever. Was he afraid of making a fool of himself? No that was not it, maybe it was because he had no good answer to questions that he might get about his mating mark? Absently his right hand went to his temple and traced the intricate mark down and along his jawline until it disappeared down his neck and should. With a last shrug he went around the room blowing out every candle before leaving the room, his steps leading him to the auditorium. He had not expected the scene that meet him as he entered. The decorations and luxury was on a whole other level then he had expected, now he really was out of place. If he ever had felt lonely around people now was that time. With a slight smile he tried to slowly and discretely Joar tried making his way along the walls not want to attract to much attention. His eyes scanned the crowed of people gathered there, his ears picking up small talk, laughter and giggles. At least some where having fun already, excitement found it's way into his stomach as he started to wonder what would happen next when all would be gathered in the room.