[right][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/kiara.png[/img][/right] Laurel looked gorgeous as Kiara sat back to stare at her face, made even more of a work of art by Kiara’s talents. The girls had chattered in front of the ornate vanity that Kiki had brought over from her room at Court while Kiara did her thing. It was originally her mother’s vanity and it depicted tangled vines and thorns that were carved from dark cherry wood and surrounded a shiny glass mirror. She was sure that her father was happy to see yet another reminder of her mother leave the Court with along with herself. It wasn’t that Kiara’s father didn’t love her, because he did, it was just that at least [i]some[/i] part of him blamed her for the loss of her mother. Successfully conceiving and producing offspring was very hard for the Unseelie fey, and often times the cost for one life was that of another... Cosmetics from both the human and faerie realms were piled high on the vanity, originally organized by type and color, but now in complete disarray. Laurel had asked if Kiara could infuse it with some faerie magick and, not wanting to look like a rookie, Kiki had agreed. Kiara’s talents with a brush were much more polished than those with magick so, when Kiki had originally attempted an ‘ethereal sparkle’ aura over the finished look, she accidentally turned Laurel’s whole face blue. Thankfully, Kiara had turned Laurel’s chair away from the mirror in preparation, stating that the ‘spin-around-surprise-reveal’ would make it all the more enchanting, so Laurel’s only hint that something went awry was the wide-eyed shock on Kiara’s face. [color=ed1c24]“Oh my, that’s not right…”[/color] Kiki had said whilst trying to stifle a giggle [color=ed1c24]“Let’s try something else…”[/color] On the second try, Kiki nailed the intended effect. They both seemed incredibly pleased with it, so Kiara moved on to do her own makeup, which consisted of cherry lips to match her hair and a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9c/69/63/9c69633a4332d0243874e070734dc115.jpg]dramatic olive green smokey cat eye look[/url]. She pulled her long, loose curls over her right shoulder, securing them with a [url=http://i0.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/1-side-braid-into-low-curly-pony.jpg?w=500]braid[/url] of her own hair and hidden hair pins in lieu of a tacky hair tie or accessory. The roommates went their own ways for the actual getting dressed part. As one could tell from her more [i]casual[/i] outfits, Kiara personally didn’t care who saw her body - faeries weren’t known for their modesty, after all - but Laurel might not have considered them that level of ‘bestie’ yet. Fair enough. Once in her closet, Kiara was once again awestruck by her [url=http://coolspotters.com/files/photos/606428/eleanor-tomlinson-and-kristian-aadnevik-fall-2008-black-feather-gown-gallery.jpg]dress’[/url] beauty. For a while, she just stood there, running her fingertips along the feathers in admiration. Realizing she was running a bit behind, she hurried and stripped down, putting on the easy part first: the [url=https://cdn-img-0.wanelo.com/p/c11/100/46f/1b4dae152e6aae2cd895a29/x354-q80.jpg] floral lace accessories[/url] Laurel’s mother had found once being told Kiara refused to wear shoes. What? It’s not weird… faeries like to remain in physical contact with nature… Kiara struggled with the dress itself. Stepping into it was easy enough, but there was the issue of the corset ties on the lower back that gave her trouble. [color=92278f]“Are you almost ready?”[/color] she heard her roommate call for her. [color=ed1c24]“Erm… not quite…”[/color] Kiki said with a huff as she flailed her arms behind her, trying to do it herself. [color=ed1c24]“Just a little trouble... with... the corset… How do you normally do this? Faerie clothing is magical, it just morphs to fit your body when you put it on. If only my arms --”[/color] [i]huff[/i] [color=ed1c24]“were a little--”[/color] she hopped [color=ed1c24]“longer!”[/color] In all her twisting, turning, and hopping, the faerie lost balance and fell against the wall with a loud [i]thud[/i]. [color=ed1c24]“I think I need your help…”[/color] she admitted in a pout.