[color=9e0039]Designation:[/color] 117th Attack Battalion [color=9e0039]Structure:[/color] Infantry Battalion 1st 417th Infantry Regiment. 64 squads, 16 platoons, 4 companies. [color=9e0039]Specialty:[/color] Front line offensive infantry combat. The 117th is made up mostly of standard Clone Troopers but also includes a squad of Scout Troopers, a few squads of heavy weapons/rocket troopers and about thirty medics. The Battalion is extremely effective in quick offensive maneuvers but can suffer in prolonged defensive battles. [color=9e0039]Commander:[/color] [hider=Commander Blue] [img]http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-488-488-90/60/6079/C8ND100Z/poster/commander-fox-clone-trooper-clone-wars.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6]Number:[/color]CC 33-1297 [color=0054a6]Name:[/color] Blue [color=0054a6]Rank:[/color] Senior Commander of the 417th Legion [color=0054a6]Distinguishing features:[/color] Due to a genetic mutation during Blue’s early growth processes he has dark blue eyes that stick out among his brothers. He also has a small amount of facial hair on his chin and the number 417 tattooed above his right eyebrow. [color=0054a6]Personality:[/color] Blue is generally caring about the troops under his command. He makes an effort to get to know as many as he can but does not let himself get overly attached. He has quite a sense of humor for a clone, especially a commander and can lighten the mood of the room whenever he enters it. He encourages joking and individualism among his troops and can often be seen conversing with them. During battle however he is calm and calculating. He is cool under fire and inspires his troops easily. It has often been said in the 417th that Commander Blue is the best soldier to have in a foxhole beside his brothers. He has a keen strategic mind. Whether through training or genetic manipulating from the Kaminoans he knows how to win a battle. Blue also refuses to let his men fight without him. While not as gung ho as Major Pierce, he will never shy from a fight. He is brave to the extreme and never thinks his men are outmatched. Blue cannot stomach cowards, especially those that are clones. While he has never shot one of his own men, he’ll sure as hell chew them out. It takes a lot to make him angry, but when you do, run. Lastly, strangely for a clone, he wants a family. He knows he was bred for battle but he also does not want to die in battle. That is not saying he won’t die for his men, he will without a second thought, but he does want a wife and children someday. [/hider] [color=9e0039]Major:[/color] [hider=Major Pierce] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/0b5d/f/2014/005/b/0/clone_trooper_by_fonteart-d70xmxb.jpg[/img] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 16-4483 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Pierce [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Major, second in command of the 117th Attack Battalion and first in command of its 1st company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing features:[/color] Pierce has let his hair grow much longer than other clones. While it isn’t shoulder length he still has to comb it backwards to keep it out of his face. Other than that he looks like a generic clone. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Pierce is a dangerous clone. He is most at home in the heat of battle and enjoys it perhaps more than any other soldier in the Legion. He is always the first one into a fight and always takes point. He takes his job seriously and has a higher kill count than any other clone in the Battalion, maybe the entire Legion. While Blue is the guy you want next to you in a foxhole, Pierce is the guy you’re just glad is on your side. Despite his rather violent exterior, he truly cares for the men under his command. He trusts Commander Blue with his life and that of every other soldier in the Legion. Even though he cares for his men, he doesn’t show it openly. He has a reputation of being both a humorous friend and a gruff disciplinarian. His Company is both the most human and the most deadly in the Battalion. They all like to crack jokes and they all like to kill droids. Pierce does have an intense hatred of organic Separatist forces. If you’re the enemy and you aren’t a droid you had better watch out. Organics made a choice to betray the Republic. The very government he has been raised to uphold. The Seps are going to die for that, even if he has to crawl over the entire droid army. Who knows, he might even be able to. [/hider] [color=9e0039]Other Personnel:[/color] [hider=Captain Cut] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 05-3678 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Cut [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Captain of the 117th second company Distinguishing features: Red Mohawk and mustache that curls at the tips. He also has a large facial scar from the top right of his head to the left side of his chin. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Cut is a good soldier but is terrible when it comes to ‘individualization’. The men are glad he’s in charge of the battle and not their haircuts. He isn’t the best soldier in the Battalion but he is definitely the worst dressed. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Officer[/hider] [hider=Sergeant Bacta] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 52-6709 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Bacta [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Sergeant in 1st company Distinguishing Features: Bacta has a shaved head and a tattoo of a red cross on his left cheek. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Bacta is without a doubt the best medic in the Battalion. Or at least he thinks so anyway. He can be a bit arrogant about his medical knowledge but is pretty damn good at his job so nobody really bothers him about it. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Medic[/hider] [hider=Captain Milo] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] 31-112409 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Milo [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Captain of 3rd Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Besides his hair being dyed red he is pretty much a normal clone. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Milo is the best company leader in the Battalion. Even Pierce will admit that. He is almost as tactically gifted as Commander Blue but isn’t as good a fighter. Milo is smarter than many of his brothers but is also pretty obsessed with regulations and protocol. He doesn’t have much of a sense of humor either. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Officer[/hider] [hider=Corporal Zero] [color=9e0039]Number: [/color]CT 40-00000 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Zero [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Corporal in 3rd Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Zero is completely shaven both on his head and his face. He has a red target tattooed around his right eye. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Like many members of Milo’s 3rd Company Zero is pretty quiet and by the book. He is perhaps the most outspoken of the Company however, though that isn’t saying much. Zero does take great pride in the fact that he is the best shot in the Battalion and has no problem sharing that fact. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Sniper[/hider] [hider=Captain Zeth] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 55-08721 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Zeth [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Captain of 4th company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Zeth’s only unique feature is a pretty large burn scar on the left side of his face that he received during a training accident. Thank the Force that medic from 1st Company got there in time to save his life. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Zeth is a hardened soldier even though the war is only just starting. He believes he and his men have always got the short end of the stick. He was put in charge of the least competent soldier in the Battalion yet somehow they always get the toughest missions. Or at least that’s what he believes. Nobody really likes this guy but he gets the job done. His casualty count is the highest in the Battalion though. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Officer[/hider] [hider=1st Lieutenant Kai] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 98-203723 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Kai [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Lieutenant of 1st Platoon, 1st Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Kai has a full beard and a Mohawk. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Kai a good soldier. While he doesn’t have the leadership ability of Commander Blue or Captain Milo nor the sheer fighting ability of Major Pierce he has a pretty good balance of all skill sets. He has a pretty good sense of humor like most of 1st Company and often tells the Major and Specialist Boomer that they’re crazy. [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Officer[/hider] [hider=Specialist Boomer] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 11-75749 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Boomer [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Specialist in 1st Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] Boomer is bald everywhere. Unlike Zero in 3rd company he doesn’t shave. Boomer lost his ability to grow hair early on in his development after he accidently caught in an explosion (that he caused) in training. He has the words “This is where my hair should be” tattooed on the top of his head. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Pierce has often said that Boomer is his favorite brother in the entire army. Boomer loves explosions and has for as long as he can remember. Most clones would have stayed away from explosives after the accident that caused his loss of hair, but Boomer was convinced it was a sign from the Force. (Which his bounty hunter drill sergeant said was ridiculous because he had never even met a jedi.) [color=9e0039]Role:[/color] Rocketeer/Explosives[/hider] [hider=1st Lieutenant Rook] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 63-2345 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Rook [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Lieutenant of 2nd Platoon, 4th Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] He has a tattoo of a Dejarik monster that covers the entirety of the right side of his face. Other than that he has a normal regulation haircut. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Rook cares for his men and is an excellent leader. Not Commander quality but he knows what he’s doing. One thing keeps him from being a near perfect soldier, he hates his commanding officer with a passion. He thinks Zeth is an idiot plain and simple. Why is he the Captain? [/hider] [hider=Sergeant Deuce] [color=9e0039]Number:[/color] CT 25-3222 [color=9e0039]Name:[/color] Deuce [color=9e0039]Rank:[/color] Sergeant in 1st Company [color=9e0039]Distinguishing Features:[/color] He has his designation number tattooed on both side of his head as well as he number two in the middle of his forehead. [color=9e0039]Personality:[/color] Deuce is a Clone’s Clone. He is the man everyone comes to talk to. The men love him, the officers respect him and he’s not a bad shot either. There is a rumor going around that he was the first trooper in the Legion to sleep with a woman. Though that seems unlikely as they’ve only been off of Kamino for a few days. [/hider]