Well, who would have thought that the two of them would have such a good time together? Cheering at a Yankee’s game in good seats with beer, foam fingers and laughter. This wasn’t bad to say the least. His acceptance of a dare made her raise her eyebrow at him. “Bold move Locksley, I don’t know if you’ll regret it or not.” She said playfully as she began to look around for inspiration on a dare. Then… she saw it. “Over here!” She waved to the concession boy who was walking around with the warm beer and popcorn. Upon his arrival she got a beer and a bag of popcorn and paid for it. Then, with one in one hand and the other holding the popcorn she looked Robert dead in the face and dumped the beer over the popcorn, the bubbled formed towards the top of the bag before Marian placed the cup down and held the top closed with her hand. She gave it a few vicious shakes before placing the paper bag in his lap. “ Eat two handfuls. Yes not just one; but two handfuls of soggy beer covered overly salted popcorn.”