Just reposting this since I have now completed it. [hr] [color=FFD700]| Identity |[/color] Laurel “Laurie Jupiter” Juspeczyk / Silk Spectre [color=FFD700]| Origin & Backstory |[/color] [hider=1980’s]Laurie’s story begins back in the 80’s with her mother, [b]Sally Juspecyk[/b]. Since she was the daughter of Polish immigrants, Sally decided to change her last name to Jupiter when she set out to begin her film actress career. While Sally Jupiter had numerous film roles, the Polish-American actress was most known for her portrayal of the Silk Spectre. While this original movie was no E.T. or Jaws, the superhero flick it was still a relatively successful film and as a result gathered a cult following that elevated Sally’s career, even though the sequels weren’t as successful. While she never became an A-lister actress, Sally still lived quite comfortably due to her Silk Spectre role and some of her other film gigs.[/hider] [hider=1990’s]In 1992, [b]Laurel Juspeczyk[/b] was born. Although her mother told her from the beginning of her life that her father was Laurence Schexnayder, Laurie always wondered why they still went by her mother’s maiden name (or at least the ‘Americanized’ version). In truth, Laurie’s true father was [b]Edward Blake[/b], one of her mother’s co-stars in the Silk Spectre film trilogy. Since Laurie’s mother was a somewhat successful actress, Laurie learned to endure and deal with the magnifying glass that Hollywood actors were subjected under.[/hider] [hider=2009-2014]In 2009, the metahumans began to appear on the radar of the public sphere. While the majority of these heroes had superhuman powers that gave them an edge over regular humans, there were a few who decided to take on crime and villains with only their wits, training, and preparation. If someone like the Batman, Sally thought that nothing could stop her daughter from becoming one, either. And she had plans to make her daughter the real version of her own film alter ego. Even before the emergence of heroes in 2009, Laurie had been an outstanding athlete in high school, playing multiple sports in that four year span. When Laurie began college in 2010, her mother hired private trainers in order to start her combat training, on top of her school work.[/hider] [hider=2015-2016]Once Laurie had graduate from college in 2014, her mother decided that it was time to make the final preparation for her daughter’s vigilante career, especially since Laurie no longer had any academic responsibilities. While Laurie was not too excited for her superhero debut, particularly because of how much her mother had just imposed her own dream onto Laurie, at the same time, she still did not want to disappoint her mother. After her mother had coerced Laurie into getting implants because, as her mother said, no one would take a ‘two-by-four’ seriously as a superheroine, and after her mother had commissioned a costume that was almost as racy as Sally’s costume from the Silk Spectre films, Laurie was now as ready as she would ever be for her debut in the [b]Big Apple[/b] as the second Silk Spectre.[/hider] [color=FFD700]| Attributes |[/color] [b]Regular Human:[/b] Laurie has no super powers on which she can rely on to aid her while fighting crime, unlike other heroes now a days. She has the same weaknesses as any other normal person. However, this could also come to her advantage because villains and criminals might underestimate her. [b]Natural Athlete:[/b] Even from a young age, Laurie has been naturally gifted at sports. Softball, gymnastics, soccer, basketball. You name it, she probably had tried it for at least for a season and probably have been at least above average at the sport. However, once she got to high school, she limited herself to gymnastics in the winter and soccer in the spring. Participating in these two sports not only allowed her to be in great shape, but also helped her learn how to manage multiple aspects of her life. [b]Hand-to-Hand Combat:[/b] While far away from being a master at close combat, Laurie, due to her four plus years of extensive training, is able to hold her own in hand-to-hand combat. With some more experience and practice in the field, Laurie has the potential to become quite the force to reckon with. [color=FFD700]| Character Notes |[/color] [hider=Friends & Allies]-[b]Sally “Jupiter” Juspeczyk:[/b] Lorei’s mother and actress who portrayed the Silk Spectre in film during the 80’s and early 90’s. Once the ‘Age of Heroes’ began, she had delusions of grandeur that her daughter could bring alive her silver-screen counterpart.[/hider] [hider=Enemies]-To be filled out as encounters happen[/hider] [color=FFD700]| Character Goals |[/color] Since I am more versed in Marvel lore than DC (the latter of which is limited to the 90’s/2000’s animated series, films, and the recent DC live action television series), I wanted to pick someone who might not have been picked otherwise. I also wasn’t sure whether Watchmen character would fit in, let alone be accepted in this roleplay. However, I tried to craft her origin so that a previous era of superheroes did not need to exist (in a DC universe, there would be a gap in film history from the missing Batman and Superman movies, so I thought it made sense). It might be my limited knowledge of DC lore, but when I think of where all the action happens in DC, I think of Gotham City and Metropolis. Maybe this thinking is only because of my ignorance of DC lore, but I would like to see a hero fight crime in a city other than where “everything bad happens”, like New York City in the Marvel Universe. When I was doing some research, I saw that there were some heroes in New York City, like Firestorm, Green Lantern(s), Nightwing, and Wonder Woman. However, the latter two are not located in NYC in this roleplay as far as I can tell from their character sheets. [color=FFD700]| Sample Post |[/color] “Come on, Laurel. Let’s see that costume.” Sally, Laurie’s mother, called out to her daughter as she held a glass of white wine in her hand, swirling the liquid around within the glass by moving her hand in a circular rotation. She was seated in a chair, waiting for her daughter to enter into the room. “Don’t be shy. I’m your mother, for Pete’s sake!” After she had delayed the unveiling of her costume as long as she could, now Laurie could no long waste time. Her mother has always been pushing like this. Therefore, the new Silk Spectre exited from the changing room and walked down the hallway that lead to the room where her mother was. Her heels of her boots clicked with each step. Laurie was wearing a yellow and black costume that was a modern reimagination of her mother’s costume in the films. “Oh, you look [i]fantastic[/i] in that, Laurel.” Sally said after she took a sip of her white wine. “Now spin around so that mother can see how it looks from other angles.” Laurie humored her mother, slowly spinning around so that her mother could see how her costume looked from different perspectives. Once Laurie had finished turning around, she stood there, facing her mother. “So, dear, what do you think?” “It makes me feel like a stripper.” The new Silk Spectre replied to her mother. “Nonsense!” Her mother responded after another sip of wine. “The doctor said that you recovered from the surgery perfectly fine, although I wished we picked a larger size after the swelling went down. Nevertheless, they’re the best and most realistic looking ones that money can buy. I should know because I was at your post-op check-up appointment!” In response to what her mother thought she had meant by ‘looking like a stripper’, Laurie simply face palmed. How many mothers would give their daughters implants and a blank check for buying new bras for a college graduation present? “I wasn’t talking about my boob job, mother.” Laurie said, “I’m talking about this costume! Where should I start? The boots that have transition into a fish-net stocking when it gets past my knees? That all the yellow material on this costume is semi-transparent? Or maybe the unironic continuation of the trope where it looks like the superhero wears their underwear on the outside of their costume, or lingerie in my case? And what about the heels on these boot? All that is missing from this costume is glitter!” “Oh, Laurel, aren’t you overreacting by just a little bit?” “Couldn’t we have created a new identity for me? Wouldn’t this costume make it easy to trace it back to us?” “But that’s why we’re sending you over to New York to start out your career. Plus, there are probably numerous fangirls who would want to dress up like me. Anyways, you can never underestimate how distracting these additions can be for criminals.” “If you wanted my costume to distract criminals, why didn’t you make it so that it will have a wardrobe malfunction whenever I got out on patrol?” “Why didn’t I already think of that? Maybe I should get in contact with…” “Could be at least get rid of the heels? Who wears heels during any rigorous activity?