Flipping the cover of the last book shut, running a finger down the spine in satisfaction, the magic mirror held this book in his hand a moment and really took a moment to feel the weight of it. A new book, the students would find this one both fascinating and entertaining. Turning to lightly push some magic into the polished surface of the table, Orin peered into the opened space before bringing the book through the opened space and carefully setting it onto the right shelf. As Li returned from the study room with the book in hand, more students came over from the entrance… Letting the mirror space close up on it's own, and listening patiently to the trio’s complaint, Orin nodded every other beat, though he already knew what they had come back to the library about. Waiting for the last words spoken, before he himself spoke, “You three are looking exceptionally [i]tricky[/i] today…though ‘fricken’ was not in my phrase at the time, yes, I did say that the book was special. Without having read and understood the theory, a strong curse cannot be made to last, and a new curse cannot be developed. It also takes a special kind of person to finish this all in two sitting, have you done just that?”