[u][b]Disney Characters[/b][/u] [b]Students[/b] [hider=Elsa][img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/997f/th/pre/i/2014/039/5/5/elsa_by_sakimichan-d75jib4.jpg[/img] Name: Elsa Appearance: Age: 17 Primary ability: Ice Summonings Preferred magic: Ice Magic Personality: Elegant, Caring, Intelligent, regal, warm, protective History: Unknown Major: Politics Extracurricular Activities: Debate Team Miscellaneous: [/hider] [hider=Anna] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/aa75/f/2014/026/8/b/anna_by_sakura_joker-d73rwqi.jpg[/img] Name: Anna Appearance: Age: 14 Primary ability: Plant communication Preferred magic: Botany Personality: Free-spirited, quirky, adventurous, faithful, selfless, impulsive History: Unkown Major: Psychology Extracurricular Activities: Ballay Miscellaneous: [/hider] [hider=Stitch] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/e4ae/th/pre/i/2015/105/1/e/disney_university___stitch_by_hyung86-d85gkzp.png[/img] Name: Stitch Age: 14 Primary ability: Invincibility. Preferred magic: He doesn't like using magic. He prefers using handmade laser pistols. (They're technically non-lethal) Personality: Sporadic. It ranges from quietly working on technical projects to doing outrageous activities to escape boredom. History: From Hawaii. Major: Rocket science. Extracurricular Activities: Robotics team. Miscellaneous: Loves surfing, Elvis, Star Wars, and breaking things apart. [/hider] [hider=Mulan] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/4955/th/pre/i/2015/112/e/c/disney_university___mulan_by_hyung86-d5zzdoe.png[/img] Name: Mulan Age: 15 Primary ability: Explosion powers. Her punches and kicks explode things. Preferred magic: Pyro magic, usually used to control the strengths of her explosions. Personality: Head strong, irrational, and compassionate. History: WIP. Major: History. Extracurricular Activities: Break dancing. Miscellaneous: She has a big crush on Li, but he's very oblivious to her attempt to woo him. [/hider] [hider=Li] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/68e9/th/pre/i/2015/111/5/e/disney_university___shang_by_hyung86-d65t274.png[/img] Name: Li Age: 17 Primary ability: Talent vampire. He can drain the talents of people around him, gaining their knowledge and strengths either temporarily or permanently. Preferred magic: Magic that increases internal strengths, such as speed, agility, strength, and durability empowerment. Personality: Resilient. Natural born leader. Level-headed with a strong sense of principal. History: WIP. Major: Military Leadership. Extracurricular Activities: Capoeira, Judo, Taekwondo, Kung Fu Miscellaneous: He's a big fan of kung-fu movies. [/hider] [hider=Shock, Lock, and Barrel] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DP9BTwd.jpg[/img] Name:Lock Appearance: Boniestmember of the group. Shockingly pale skin, likes to dress in the color red. Age: 14 Primary ability: Ability to summon a Devil's Pitchfork when ever he pleases Preferred magic: Pyromancy Personality: Lock is 14 years old and the leader of Oogie's Boys, but does not think thoroughly and actually appears to be just the second most intelligent. Lock wears a devil costume; his teeth are pointed sharply, his face is narrow and long-jawed, and his hair is waxed into two horns making him, literally, a handsome devil. His barbed tail is actually real and connected to his body. He loves being large and in charge, and gets upset when others insult him or take the lead. However, he goes along with others' ideas if he cannot come up with anything himself. Without his mask he might not have horns but his handle bar style hair makes it look really close. Judging from his lines in the film, he appears to be the most violent and malicious of the group, making him the most dangerous of the three. Extracurricular Activities: Hall monitor Name: Shock Appearance: Shock, the only girl of the group, is the tallest, being only slightly taller than Lock, as well as the thinnest. She is dressed as a witch, wearing a purple witch's hat that is about the same height (perhaps even taller) than her. Her hair is wiry and blue, the same color as the makeup she wears around her eyes. She also seems have blue lips and has deathly gray skin, both being traits all three children share. Her face and neck are quite long and her nose is enormous and pointed, taking up most of her face. Shock's mask is a plain green one that sports the same large nose as her own face, and its mouth is set in a deep frown. She wears a pink dress with a dark purple hem, as well as black boots. Aside from her face, her skin appears to be a dark, almost black, purple. Age: 15 Primary ability: Electromancy Preferred magic: Curses Personality: Shock is 15 years old and the most cunning, the most intelligent, and the only female of Oogie's minions. She has some contempt for the other two for their supposed stupidity, and often challenges Lock for leadership, but ends up following his orders anyway. Shock wears a purple witch costume with an elongated hat. There is no difference between her mask and her face, other than the former's green color and lack of any features (except eye-holes and a nose). She is usually quick to patch up any arguments between her and the boys, if not with the nicest methods. She also knows how to bake. Extracurricular Activities: Hall monitor Name: Barrel Appearance: Barrel is the shortest and most rotund of the trio, sporting the same pale gray skin and blue lips as his friends. His head is spherical and he has short, pale green hair. His nose is very small when compared to Lock and Shock's, and it is upturned. His eyes are quite close together and appear to be sunken in, though this could just be an illusion created by the dark makeup around them. Barrel dresses up like a skeleton, wearing tattered purple pants and a like-colored shirt. Both of these pieces of clothing are decorated with bones roughly corresponding to their locations in the human body. His feet are oddly shaped, with three toes of the same length. It isn't clear if they are part of his costume or his real feet. His mask is that of a skull; a simple, round, white mask with the mouth being bare teeth set in a wide grin, reflecting the fact that Barrel himself is usually grinning. Age: 13 Primary ability: Ability to conjure 2 Skeletons that look like empty shells of Barrel Preferred magic: Necromancy Personality: Barrel is 13 years old, Oogie's "star pupil," and considered the stupidest of the three troublemakers, despite his protests to the contrary. He is the butt of many jokes made by his friends/siblings but usually gets even through his own tricks at which he always gets away with. Barrel wears a skeleton costume and has deformed feet, but otherwise resembles a small human boy, albeit one with white skin, sunken eyes, and perfectly combed green hair. His face is round and has a perpetual grin, except when he is angry. Barrel is usually the pilot of the walking bathtub the trio use as transport. He also likes to eat pumpkins. Barrel is quick to stand up for either of his friends/siblings and may actually be just as, or maybe slightly more intelligent then Lock. He also unintentionally bothers Jack when asking him a number of annoying (and somewhat embarrassing) questions. Extracurricular Activities: Hall monitor[/hider] [hider=Shenzi, Benzai, Ed][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/8416/th/pre/i/2015/106/4/4/disney_university___shenzi__banzai_and_ed_by_hyung86-d7og34e.png[/img] Name:Shenzi Age:16 Primary ability: Can extend claws and teeth to that of an animal. These features become as strong as steel. Preferred magic: Poison spells Personality: Agressive, stubborn. She'll do anything to have things the way she wants, often times at the expense of others. Openly reckless and proudly disrespectful. She leads a gang of misfits that often cause trouble skipping class Extracurricular Activities: Hunting Name:Benzai Age:16 Primary ability: Super speed in limited bursts. Signature moves are super speed punches and kicks, can only run at super speed for a short amount of time and usually crashes into a wall once his time limit is up. Preferred magic: Time magic. Likes to slow down time around himself, to give himself the illusion of perfect supper speed. Personality: Hates authority, loves causing havoc. He's been friends with Shenzi since grade school. He's developed a habit of laughing at bad jokes with Ed Extracurricular Activities: Martial arts Name:Ed Age:17 Primary ability: Ultrasonic screech. Preferred magic: Sound magic. Can inflict emotions and damage based on specific spells casted. Personality: Air headed. Follows along with his group, often times jumping in once a bad joke is told. He was held back a year and may have brain damage to a certain degree. He hangs out with Shenzi and Benzai because they're the only ones that tolerate his absent minded attitude. Extracurricular Activities: Stand up Comedy [/hider] [b]Teachers[/b] [hider=Jack Frost][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/e6a9/th/pre/f/2012/337/d/5/jack_frost_by_sakimichan-d5mz7xh.jpg[/img] Name: Jack Frost Appearance: Age:18 Primary ability: Likes to use magical staff Preferred magic type: Ice Magic Personality: Free spirited, sarcastic, rebellious, playful, caring, stubborn History: Unknown Job title: Meteorology teacher Miscellaneous: Unknown [/hider] [hider=Pitch][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/6639/th/pre/f/2012/331/0/0/00359ca2345f390da92030e38f200e03-d5mbp3b.png[/img] Name: Pitch Appearance: Age: 24 Primary ability: Shadow Summoning Preferred magic type: Shadow Magic Personality: Manipulative, condescending, intelligent, calculating, cruel, frightful History: Unknown Job title: Chemistry teacher Miscellaneous: Enjoys teaching extra courses after school [/hider] [hider=Maleficent][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/c4d7/i/2014/156/3/9/maleficent_by_eeddey-d7kadod.jpg[/img] Name:Maleficent Appearance: Age:Unknown Primary ability: Unknown Preferred magic type: Unknown Personality: Deviant, narcissist, manipulative, proud, elegant, ruthless History: Unknown Job title: Principal Miscellaneous: [/hider] [hider=Gaston and Phil] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/90cb/th/pre/i/2015/106/1/9/disney_university___gaston_and_phil_by_hyung86-d7xbgj7.png[/img] Name: Gaston Appearance: Age: 20 Primary ability: None Preferred magic type: None Personality: Gaston is arrogant, boorish, simple-thinking, rude, conceited, selfish and really sexist. He is always bragging about their physical abilities. He's always chasing girls and may seem he as a pervert! History: Apprenticed by Phil through comedic circumstance. He had a fan club back when he was a star athlete enrolled in school. Now he's doing his best to relive the glory days through coaching. Job title: Assistant Coach Miscellaneous: Peeping Tom Name: Appearance: Age: 42 Primary ability: Preferred magic type: Personality: Grumpy, stubborn, good-hearted and sarcastic, Phil is one of the best teachers of the university. He is methodical in his teaching and loves to test their students. And as Gaston's opposite, he has a certain distrust towards women. History: Job title: Coach Miscellaneous: Manages sport teaams [/hider]