[centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmZmZmZi5WR2hsSUVkcGNtd2dkR2hoZENCVWFXMWxJRVp2Y21kdmRBLCwuMAAA/battle-breath.regular.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/?#/watch?v=FtveSk1N7Uo[/youtube] [hr] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/4496/f/2014/080/4/0/riven_lol_by_jinoraxd-d7b1l4c.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/dbe362d89b06b79e03ca61eb7bb4724c/tumblr_nfxa4j6bGC1t2ocv0o1_500.jpg[/img] [hr] [h3][color=ivory]"Nothing is perfect. Everything has a taint to it, a darkness that is barely visible, a reminder of our mortality."[/color][/h3] [color=ivory][u]Name:[/u][/color] Tara Alba [color=ivory][u]Age:[/u][/color] 17 [color=ivory][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Female [color=ivory][u]Race:[/u][/color] Human [color=ivory][u]Appearance:[/u][/color] A sublime figure, legs that climb to heaven and back, innocent snow-white hair and amber eyes that hold a gentle knowledge of the world, a quiet understanding of your every desire. Standing at 5'6 and weighing 110 lbs, one could be forgiven in thinking that Tara was perfect - by all definitions, she is perfect. Not a lot of people could even hope to hold a candle to her and back when she did dance, she blotted out the dreams of too many others. Years of practically destroying herself then dragging all the pieces back together with tears of frustration helped forge a body that most would probably give their life for. Being fully honest, Tara looks like someone dragged a model out of a magazine, handed her an obscure weapon and told her she was a huntress now. That's Tara's subconscious lie, the one part she truly hates about herself - she does look perfect and it fools everyone she meets into thinking this perfection extends to all of her. [color=ivory][u]Weapon Name:[/u][/color] Thistle (and Weeds) [color=ivory][u]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/u][/color] [img]http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/167/e/2/scarlet_fury__rwby_oc_weapon__by_jackbryanreynard-d7mpn21.png[/img] [img]http://cdnlevel3.store.ferrari.com/upload/img/0/0/0/0/E/4/A/2/12.jpg[/img] Weeds is an interesting little device. Technically, they're just headphones connected to her Scroll but they're built in with a number of sensors which allow them to monitor the flow of the battle and adjust the song choice accordingly. [color=ivory][u]Type:[/u][/color] Transforming Weapon, Melee and Ranged, Dust Compatible [color=ivory][u]Weapon Derivation:[/u][/color] Sword, Blade Whip, Shotgun [color=ivory][u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u][/color] Thistle is a sheathed blade at her side with the shotgun hilt at the top of the sheath. [color=ivory][u]Form 1:[/u][/color] Thistle's first and base form is a rather simple sword. The blades that make up the whip are conjoined into one fluid shape. The blade is capable of a number of dust attacks based on the choice of dust used in the hilt. Overall, this isn't Tara's preferred form as the blade has a very short range and you have to be up close and personal to do any damage. [color=ivory][u]Form 2:[/u][/color] Thistle's secondary form is a blade whip. The blades that previously made up the sword now shoot out, forming thorny ridges along the edge of the extended metal wire that holds them. This is Tara's preferred form as it allows her to do damage and potentially dust damage at a decent range. It's also the form she uses when using her semblance due to its ease-of-use and its decent range. [color=ivory][u]Personality:[/u][/color] Tara is an interesting person, to say the least. From the outset, you would expect to be dealing with a snobbish prude but she seems to be the direct opposite but not exactly in a good way. She's nice, by all means, but she's also rather weird and naive to the ways of the world. Despite her intelligence - she's still getting used to the whole idea that her looks can give her a lot of influence. Sometimes, her soft heart can get in the way of her hunting and she becomes incapable of killing any form of Grimm; she's not exactly a realist but she put it down to how people treated her. She's a little headstrong when it comes to things and even though she can seem a little shy, she isn't afraid to get her point across. The trait that drives her hunting abilities, however, is her intelligence. Tara is incredibly strategic with a very strong sense of foresight. Granted, she's not a people person but if she has a mildly coherent team at her hands, she can make it into a killing machine with both strategy and her semblance. The one thing that Tara seems to hide the most is her loneliness - when you've spent your entire life being placed on a pedestal and having your peers reject you for that, you begin to break down. Any friends she had when she was younger dropped away as her dancing took off and any friends formed from that quickly bittered, rejecting her for how good she was. That's why she hated it. She didn't want to be perfect or stunning - she longed for normality. [color=ivory][u]History:[/u][/color] The Albas are an immensely rich family hailing from Atlas but currently residing in Mistral. Being rich and an old blood line led to her family forming a very deep tradition steeped in the past and structured around the roles of the Alba heirs. Tara was the third-born child to two older brothers and when she was born, no one had any intentions of her becoming a successful Huntress and slaying Grimm. Her life was written in blood even before she had the chance to take her first gulp of air. Being well-born and from a very prestigious family, it was only natural that she was educated to the highest degree possible but it was never shaped towards taking over the family business like her two brothers. Even from an early age, academic ability was measured in perfection - anything less was deemed a shame. It was a harsh system with very little love involved but she didn't mind it; she disliked her brothers so it meant that she got to dodge them a fair bit. Her mother was an extremely successful ballerina so it was only natural that her only daughter was practically shoved into the thing when she came to an acceptable age for it. Being perfectly honest, Tara hated it with all her heart. Long grueling training sessions that simply hammered home the lessons of her childhood - perfection or failure, possibly psychopathic teachers and the fact that everyone there hated her with almost as much passion as she hated it. You see, Tara reached perfection and flew even further. She transcended basic human ability and her peers universally rejected her for it. She was no ordinary dancer - when she danced, people watched, they laughed, they cried, they fell in love and their hearts were broken. She could dance just like the others but something primal lived within her, something that breathed life into the random throng of moves, something that opened her very heart and mind to her audience and allowed them to momentarily peek inside. Little did she know that it was her semblance at work, adding power to her desire to be accepted, to be loved. And she was loved, at least by those who didn't dance with her. There was no place in Remnant she didn't go to after that; anyone who was anyone knew of her name and she was commonly held as one of the best in her work. And then, without any forewarning, she simply stopped. No more dancing, no more shows and no more traveling. It was a great shame to her family, of course, and more than a few bitter arguments had bitter endings when her parents challenged her on her decision. To them, she was an embarrassment that had threw away the name she had already made for herself. Their response? To inform her that her hand had been promised to the heir of another family even before she was born. She met him a few times - he wasn't bad and she had the feeling he was quite infatuated but she wasn't a prissy little push-over. Bend or break, that was the choices she had. She broke, of course. With the brash abruptness of her previous actions and the guile that no 16-year-old should possess, she very simply disappeared. She showed up a little while later, of course, with a very mean-looking weapon and enrolled into a combat school. Her combat was passable, at best, but her ability to lead and conquer with a team was unduly noted. Despite the efforts her parents put into getting her back, she was practically untouchable and within a few months, she was accepted into Beacon Academy. It's still a mystery why she chose to become a Huntress but whatever it was, it must have been a strong urge for her to leave everything behind. Maybe she desired a little normality and becoming a crazy weapon-wielding huntress that kills Grimm represented that? Or maybe she's an idiot? [color=ivory][u]Emblem:[/u][/color] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/12849dd05b85263841d2cb6919264faa/tumblr_nmz99k475v1sieuo6o1_1280.jpg[/img] [color=ivory][u]Other:[/u][/color] Voice Actress: [b]She's the small, angry girl! Aka Taiga for anyone that's watches Toradora! :3[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1usaM2XpHNc[/youtube] [color=ivory][u]Color:[/u][/color] Ivory [color=ivory][u]Combat Style:[/u][/color] Tara, very simply, isn't the best at combat so she stays around the edges of a fight, using her blade whip to harass enemies with a decent amount of damage. Mainly, however, her role in a fight is that of a support - using her semblance, she makes sure that her allies work flawlessly and using her natural strategy, she plans out the battle before her. Her semblance allows her to exert some control over others like planting ideas in their mind so oftentimes, it seems like she is simply dancing when in reality, she's sliding all the little pieces together to form an unstoppable force. Due to the fact that she has to dance while fighting, her fighting is usually interesting but what's even more interesting is how her allies seem to follow this rhythm as well. [color=ivory][u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u][/color] Tara will excel in any situation where she has an ally to back her up. Simply put, her damage output is way too low to matter in a real fight but if she uses her semblance intelligently, she can increase her own damage simply by bolstering her ally's damage. She's extremely strategic and can oftentimes plan out an entire battle and follow this plan to a tee but occasionally, an ally can flat-out refuse her plans and resist the temptation of her semblance. Her soft heart can also be a problem as she usually uses the heat of battle to call up powerful discussions on the morality of killing. [color=ivory][u]Semblance:[/u][/color] Tara's semblance is extremely unique in comparison to most others as hers requires other people for it to work at all. Simply put, her semblance allows her to influence other people rather massively when she dances. Their emotions, their thoughts and even their hopes can be quietly nudged around by her until she has exactly what she wants. To an outsider, it almost looks like those she is fighting with become merged into one extremely cohesive being. With her semblance active, the rhythm of their every movement and strike is so perfectly lined-up that her team become far more deadlier than they could ever hope to be. The only problem with this is the fact that she's opening up every thought and emotion to her allies. It's the ultimate trade-off - those around her know her every secret in return for their damage output increasing exponentially. [/centre]