[center][color=00aeef][h2]Tori[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Vi5Fz7F.gif[/img][/center] Listening to Cecilia, Tori smiled condescendingly at her. Before ignoring her orders and returning to the map. [color=00aeef]“I’m from the Intelligence Division, not the Observer’s. I have no obligation to follow any of your orders. The only reason I came is because it stupidity itself to disobey Yggdrasil or any of the guardians. If, however, Lord Nifilhiem had given me an order, his would take priority. I hope that I have made my standing with you clear”[/color] Then an explosion rang out and Cecilia ran off to check on the situation [color=00aeef][i]What an awful guard[/i][/color] committing the holographic map of Arcadia to memory, Tori walked after the rushing girl seeing her get told the situation by a guardsman. Silently standing behind her Tori added intangibility to her invisibility and spoke [color=00aeef]“It is now obvious that the reason you joined the Observer Division was because you are far too stupid to ever make it in the Intelligence Division.”[/color] walking past Cecilia, Tori turned and looked the Observer in the eye [color=00aeef]“What kind of guard are you? Rushing off towards an explosion, disregarding the important package you are carrying? Imbecile.”[/color] walking back around Cecilia the scholar whispered in her ear [color=00aeef]“I would be more subtle in my insults, but I'm afraid with your limited mental capabilities that they would simply go over your head.” [/color] Standing straight Tori, unseen and untouched, had her travelling cloak spread out behind her like wings and began to over above the Observer to look down on her [color=00aeef]“So tell me you mentally impaired Observer, what great new action will you take? Will you throw your charge down a well? Will you parade it about for all to see? I wait with bated breath to see what amazingly stupid action you will perform next!”[/color] [@Aristo]