Cia was smiling and talking to a customer when she saw a herd heading straight for her vegtable stand. "No-No! You are not ruining my vegtables!" Cia yelled at the cows, he fists clenched and before anyone could say something she had taken off her cloths. She knew what was going to happen if she transformed with her cloths on. They would get ruined. Once her cloths were on the ground and just before the cows reached her she got on all fours transforming into her bear form fully. She was huge much larger than any normal bear. Cia let out a roar making the cows come to a stop scared. However they didn't seem to run, Cia was an intimidating presence, atleast she was intimidating enough to command respect from the cows who just started to walk back to their pen as Cia herded them back. Once all was done she headed back to her cart and transformed back to human before putting her cloths back on. "I really don't like having to do that in public you know." Cia said looking back at the kid who was in charge of the animals. "Just be more careful in the future alright?" Cia added trying not to get angry at the kid.