Razorclaw was greatly irritated "You....damaged my prize" Eybeams shot out and blasted Aaron into submission casually He transformed into robot mode and began slapping Aaron in the face midair which made him go flying for miles. "You...." Razorclaws fist connected with Aarons face "Do..." *Smack* "Not...." *Wam* "Get..." *biff* "To..." *Bam* "Break..." *Pow* "My..." *wack* "Toys!!!!!" Aarons face was left heavily damaged and Razorclaw let him fall into the sea and blasted the very spot he landed in and flew off. The Vok appeared to Aaron in his aquatic crater greatly irritated "WHAT SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? WE WANTED CLYNE ALIVE YOU BLITHERING FOOL!" Spying her bisected corpse being fed on by the sea creatures the vok used their infinite power to rekindle the spark of life in her, with a few improvements.