Cronus stared shocked at the Human, he doesn't know how he should react to this, should he be happy? for that he is no longer is alone? or should he be cautious? but before he could decide. the screech and clanking of metal against metal filled his ears thanks to several of the strangers drew their weapons, and pointed them at a fiery being 'An A.I?' was the first thing that popped into his head as he studied the godly being, for it reminded him of the A.Is that had adopted earth after the humans had abandoned it in favor of the stars. 'so could this just be part of some horrid simulation' it wasn't out of the question, Cronus has had the unfortunate encounters with a particularly sadistic who called herself D.A.I.S.Y and she loved to mess with his head by placing him simulations that supposedly mimicked human society (in the same way that a grape mimics a dog) and today he wasn't particularly in the mood to be fooled. so Cronus walked towards the A.I and he stopped just beside the knight then reached up to his mask and flipped a switch, the sound of static briefly filled the air. "D.A.I.S.Y" Cronus said as he drew his shotgun "can you just let me go?" as much as he hated this particular A.I, he knew she would release him faster if he was polite "i know this is a simulation so just lets me out already" he ordered the supposed A.I