Been currently mostly playing The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth (as per usual, with my near 400 hours into Rebirth and Afterbirth). I'm awful at it but I'm still addicted to it, for some reason. Recently bought Rampage Knights, a 2D roguelite brawler. Looks ugly as hell and controls are kind of clunky, but still manages to be quite a lot of fun. Still trying to muster up the enthusiasm and time to play through Far Cry 3. Every time I try to finish that game, I get sidetracked and lose interest because I've been running around killing random patrols for two hours straight for no apparent reason. And also just got back into Tribes: Ascend since they supposedly rebalanced everything and such. Automatic weapons are still BS. Going to be attending an all-night gaming session of CS:GO, Flatout, Battlefront, Battlefield 1942 etc with some friends some time during the holidays at Inferno Online in Stockholm, who boast to be "the world's largest gaming centre". Going from 10pm to 8am. Should be absolutely miserable by the time we're done. [quote=@Ellri]How important is it for people here to collect achievements ingame?[/quote] It depends on the game. If it's a game with a narrative or some form of linearity, not important at all. If it's a roguelite like The Binding of Isaac, I become a bit obsessive with unlocking everything. Then again, most achievements in The Binding of Isaac are related to unlocking new content - so there's that. If it's a multiplayer game like CS:GO, sometimes I start achievement hunting - but most of the time I just play for fun.